Chapter 1

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My First ever Fan Fiction! Of Atlus' "Trauma Team" video game! Hope you like! Please Vote! It would make my day. :) Also! I'd like to thank the user "TayTay4Ever" for this epic cover!!


"Alyssa!!" My mom calls.

"Yeah?" I scream.

"Little Guy is here to pick you up and bring you to CIFM!"

"N'Kay Mom!"

She's finally silent. My mother, Dr. Naomi Kimishima, adopted me when I was eight, after a bomber basically almost "blew me up" and burned down my house. My family was killed.When I was eight, I couldn't say 'Naomi' so I called her 'Nomi". At first, I wasn't sure if I could stay with her, because she had some sort of rare-genetic disease that would kill her in about less than a year, but that cleared up after she was infected and cured of  Rosalia's Disease. She's a Forensic Medicine Specialist so I practically inherited the love for Forensics from her. She used to be a surgeon in Japan but she was so good, and I mean it was almost scary of how good of a surgeon she was, people started to assume she had "magical powers" and a "healing touch". She got sent to the U.S. and she was no longer allowed to be a surgeon. So she started Forensics. 

I grab my bag, brush my moose-colored bangs a little and run downstairs. Little Guy strides to the open doorway.

"Good Morning Dr. Kimishima, Miss Breslin."

"Come on. Just call me Alyssa." I laugh.

"Okay then," He looks at mom. "We have a new case to solve."

"Details?" My mother's voice is so smooth and reassuring.

"Haha, I'm not yet aware, but the Director has offered Miss Brr- Alyssa to take part. Along with your help though Dr. Kimishima." My jaw drops. Nomi sips her tea.

"Me? As in me?"

"Yeah you." He flips his golden blond hair and the sun makes his baby blue eyes twinkle.

I feel like fainting. Before I can blink, Little Guy already has his arm around my shoulders and is dragging me out the door. "Wait!" I say.

"You'll do fine." He persists.

"No. Well, I know, but I have to feed Chloe!"


"My cat? Nomi never told you?"He gives me a puzzeled look. In my best impression of him, I say,

"Dr. Kimishima?"

"Oh!" He nods and lets go and I drop my bag and run into the house. Chloe sits in her normal spot, being an old cat, and purrs when I come into the room. I laugh and she weaves between my legs. I grab her food bowl, fill it with cat food and set it on the mat she eats on. Then I take her dish, pass Nomi reading in the kitchen, fill it with water, and put it in its place. Chloe jumps up on me and I kneel as I pick her up. I kiss her forehead and she licks my hand. "Bye, Chloe." I whisper. I set her down by the food. Stand up, kiss Nomi's head and pace towards Little Guy. "Ready?" 

"Yep." I  manage. I take a deep breath, grab my bag, and climb into Little Guy's black FBI Hummer.

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