part 2

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The orange hair teenager was laying on the couch as Toshiro was eating the body of his victim. The orange haired teenager started to wake up and Toshiro was just staring at him. "Were am i?" the teenager said while looking around "in my house and what's your name" Toshiro said now not being patient for the teenager. "my name is Ichigo kurosaki" Ichigo stated still confused how he got to this kids house "and how did you get hurt?" Toshiro ask Ichigo. "WAIT you haven't told me your name yet" Ichigo said "my name is Toshiro Hitsugaya and HOW DID YOU GET HURT!?" Toshiro yelled now having no patience for Ichigo. It has been an hour and Toshiro learn that Ichigo got hurt by a metal baseball bat and lost some amount of blood. "I think you should go home Ichigo" Toshiro said "oh yeah thanks for helping me out  Toshiro" Ichigo said and started to get up from the couch. It was 20 minutes since Ichigo left and Toshiro was sleeping on the couch until sitting up quickly sweating and tears in his eyes "it's just a nightmare" Toshiro told himself "it will never happen again right?" Toshiro now crying into a pillow.

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