C: Nice sweetheart

JU: Can i eat it now

E: No

JU: Man

V: Jay your doing Angel wings

J: Yea with hearts on the side

E: Your good

J: I know

KE: Why don't you do art if you can draw

J: I don't like it puls theirs somthings i like to leave in the past

KE: I get you

They all finish up their cookies the put them on a plate and took pitchers and post them then

V: Jay win cause his look the best

E: Yea

JU: Can we eat them now

E: Yes they said when their was a knock on the door

JU: I'll get it he said as he opened the door , Erin your brother is here

E: What she said as she walked to the door and saw teddy, Come in she said and he run and hug her, What's wrong

TE: Mom has her friends over and i told her about it and she hit me

E: Where's your dad

TE: At work i called him and he said he'll pick me up from here when he gets off work

E: Okay have you eaten

TE: No

E: Do you like cookies

TE: Yea

E: Come on she said as they walked into the kitchen , That's Vanessa and Kevin their my friend and justin is Jays little brother and Camille is their mom

TE: Nice to meet you all

V,KE,JU: You too

C: What happened to your face sweetie she said walking over to him

TE: My Mom hit me

C: I'm sorry let me clean it for you is this the first time she done this

TE: Yes my dad always stops her but he at work he told her as they walked out of the kitchen

JU: Can i play with him

E: When he finish eat

JU: Okay

V: Girl we forgot the pizzas she said taking them out of the oven

E: Their fine

KE: When did you guys make pizza

V: When you guys was playing games She said when Camille and Teddy walked in

Erin and Vanessa cut up the pizzas and give everybody 3 slices with juice and they all sit and eat then had cookies for dessert and they eat then while playing games

Camille walked into the kitchen and saw Erin sitting on her phone

C: Hey

E: Hey

C: Why aren't you playing with the rest

E: Im not in that mood

C: Okay so he really is your brother

E: I don't really know but if i am i can't let him grow up not knowing he has somebody that he can come too

C: That's good

One Night Stand Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora