Chapter 36

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In the kitchen

Erin and Natalie were sitting while Jayna  put a plate of cookies on the table 

E: I know you have keep it in for so long  but the burden is off you now , You did your job and you protected your daughter as much as you can

JA: I know but sometimes i feel like i failed her

N: You didn't 

E: Natalie is right i thought it was something i did that made my mom hate me but it's just that she's a bad person who like to take out her angry on me after my dad die i had a lady just like you to take care of me so you being their with her and sticking by her is all the she needed to  keep fighting

N: You give her hope and joy and if she was alive right now she should tell you thanks for everything you did for her and the boys

E: Cause your an amazing mother she said as her and Natalie got up and hugged her and the boys watched

JA: Thanks sweeties that's just what i needed to hear

E,N: Anytime

JA: My grandson are lucky to have both of you in their life and heads up they like being babied

E,N: We know 

JA: And you still love time

E,N: More than anything

JA: They will get on your nerves sometimes especially will cause he loves attention

W: That's not true he said as he walked in with Jay send sit next to Natalie and picked up a cookie while Jay sits next to Erin

JA: Did i say you can have a cookie

W: No but their just sitting their and nobody's eating them

N: I'll take that she said taking will cookie and bit it , Mhm this is good

W: I know grandma she took my cookie he said with a sad face

JA: See big baby , Will get other cookies  and grow up

W: I'm a gown man

JA: No your a child in a grown man body

J,E,N: 🤣🤣

W: Your supposed to be on my said nat

N: I am but it's kinda true

W: No its not

N: Yes it is

W: Why can you be like Erin

N: Erin's boyfriend isn't a big baby and childish

E: That's not true

J: Hey i can be a big baby if i want to I'm still young

E: True she said as she took up a cookie and bite it , Hmm these are really good

JA: Thanks

N: It's like falling in love all over again

E: Yea if it was possible I'll marry this cookie

J: Not happening

E: I'm just gonna marry it eat a little until its gone then marry you

J: I am never second I'm always first in every

E: Really

J: Yes

E: Then I'll marry you and eat cookies behind your back

J: Or you can share

E: Your asking for alot Jay i already agree to spending the rest of my life with you now you want me to share cookies with you

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