"Trapped" Dthang, pt 2

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Y'all asked so i delivered! 

"Maybe we should try counseling." y/n recommends. 

"I'm 19, what I look like going to counseling." Dthang says as he rummages through his drawers to find something to wear. 

"Then tell me to leave Daniel." y/n says sternly. She didn't want this to be the outcome, but she was fed up with how cold he and their love life has become. 

Dthang just stands there in silence. 

"I can't." he says, turning around to face her. 

"Alright then we might as well bring a professional in." y/n says relived on the inside. 

Although she's relieved, y/n literally couldn't wait to talk to someone else about their problems with Dthang also in the room. It's gonna be a big weight off of her shoulders, and in her mind way better than a fight or trying to communicate because he is being made to hear her out. It's not like he can't get up and walk away but she knows he'd be too embarrassed to do that in front of a 3rd party. 

"Alright, it just can't interfere with work." Dthang insists.

"It can be in the morning, before work." y/n says annoyed as hell already on the inside. This will be one of the first things she brings up in counseling. 

Dthang agrees and they both go to sleep. 

3 days later:

Y/n wakes Dthang up at 9 a.m. and then goes to get their son ready to drop him off at her brothers house since they can't bring him. It's the first time she'll ever be away from her son in the 10 months that he's been born. She's kinda sad about it. 

"I don't know if this is the right idea anymore." y/n says as her and dthang get ready in the mirror. 

"You said we needed this and I agree. I know it's been difficult for you, it has for me too and we need to get back right." dthang said. That was all the assurance that y/n needed. To know she's not in this alone. Suddenly she feels better about being away from her son for just a little while. 

After dropping their son off, they head to their couples therapy. About 15 mins after they arrive and have checked in, their names are called. 

"Y/n and Daniel?" Dr. Goldmen says. They both get up upon hearing their names and follow him to the back. 

"It's nice to meet the both of you. This is a safe space where you can both be completely honest with me and one another. I ask that both of you are open to the truth and willing to change things if necessary, and to also try to put yourself in the others shoes when they're speaking." Dr. Goldmen begins with. 

Y/n and Daniel shake their heads in agreement. 

"Who would like to begin?" Dr. Goldmen asks. 

They both sit in silence for a moment. Y/n decides she'll speak up.

"Well, one of my issues is the fact that I barely see him. Probably twice a day for an hour at a time." y/n says. 

"Do you have an idea of how that may bother her, Daniel?" he asks. 

"Yeah but it's because" gco

"I didn't ask you why just yet, let's just really try to feel what she's feeling ok Daniel. Try again, with some compassion." the therapist says. 

Daniel bursts out laughing since he doesn't do well with authority. It's the only thing he can think to do to keep from getting angry or visibly annoyed. 

"This is what I deal with." y/n says lowkey wanting to laugh to, but it would be to hide her frustration with dthang. 

"I see you all hide feelings with laughter, which isn't a bad thing, but it also isn't always healthy. Do you sweep problems under the rug with jokes a lot?" Dr. Goldmen asks.  

"Yeah" y/n and daniel both say in unison. 

"Let's go back to what I was saying before, Daniel." the therapist said. 

"Yeah, I get why that would upset you y/n, me being gone so much. You must feel really lonely home all day by yaself." dthang said. 

"Good, that's a good start. You're acknowledging that her feelings are real and valid." Dr. Goldmen said with a bit of excitement.

"Now we can go on to why" he also says.

"He works all day, when he really doesn't even have to." y/n says.

"What line of demanding work is this?" Dr. Goldmen asks. 

Dthang looks over at y/n like girl you better answer this right.

"Medicine..." y/n says just covering the truth. Dthang faces himself back to the therapist. 

"Oh yes that can be a demanding line of work. Maybe asks for some extra time off. It will change your home for the better. Family is one of the most important things." Dr. Goldmen suggests. 

"That's the thing, he can create his own hours. He chooses to be gone all day." y/n said. 

"It's been hella tension in the house, and I don't like being in places where that's the vibe." dthang confesses. 

"Yeah he creates the tension, then runs, and I'm there raising our child but ok. You're not a little boy no more." y/n says with attitude. Dthang just rolls his eyes.

"See doctor he's so sassy." y/n says honestly and also to get under his skin.

"Sassy?!" dthang says.

"Ok ok guys, calm down, this kind of dismissive and provoking behavior will not get us anywhere. Our hour seems to almost be up, can I put you both on my schedule for next week?" Dr. Goldmen asks. 

"Tssss" dthang just says, kind of laughing.

"We'll be there." y/n says. 

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