Chapter 5

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It's been a week since Chawarin and I had that talk, and up until then he hadn't missed a day of my life by pestering me. May it be during work hours, my free time, or after work? He would just show up all of a sudden and ask me to go with him to do this and that. And just like any other day, he's here again.

Zee, there's a new restaurant that has opened near here. Wanna grab dinner there? He asks me with an expectant face. while leaning forward in front of the table since I am still in my office.

No thank you; I'll have dinner at home. I replied coldly, intending to make him understand that I didn't have the desire to eat with him.

His face drooped and was full of sadness as I glanced at him. I scoffed as if he were really sad; he is really good at pretending.

I turn off my PC, preparing to leave since it's already late. I was walking past him to leave my office when I felt that he had also turned around and was following me silently. On our way to the elevator, I stole a glance again; his face still showed sadness, but with a sulking expression now. I can't help but remember our moments before, when we were still together, and how he really acted whenever he couldn't get what he wanted. The difference is that before, I couldn't really resist him and just gave in because of how cute he is and how smitten I was with him, but now I don't really want to give in because I know what it will cost me.

I entered the elevator not knowing if he would follow or not; he looked lost in his thoughts, so he was still outside the elevator when I entered. The door was almost closed before he finally snapped out of his thoughts and entered immediately. I am really busy making myself ignore his presence; this must be the longest ride I have had in an elevator in my whole life.

When I finally get out of that elevator and am on my way to the parking space where I parked my car, he is still following me. What the hell does he want?

Hey, why are you still following me? 

He didn't look at me. His head was bent down while he was fidgeting with his hands.

Hey, answer me. I urged him to answer me.

Uhmm, I didn't bring my car.

Don't fool me, Chawarin; if you didn't bring your car, how the hell did you get here?

My dad gave me a ride earlier since it was on his way.

And so, what do you want me to do? I asked with evident annoyance in my voice.

Give me a ride home.

Ugh fuck I swear he planned this.

I'll just book you a ride home. He was ready to react when I cut him off.

I'm tired, Chawarin, and our house is in the opposite direction; it would take a lot of time.

But it's dangerous for me since it's already late, plus I've never ridden a taxi before. "And I'll sleep in my condo, and it's on the way to your house," he said while smiling and trying to persuade me.

I just sighed in annoyance I can't escape this now, ugh.

Fine, get in the car. He immediately got inside and buckled his seatbelt while cutely waiting for me to start driving. Wait, what did I just say? Cute? No, he's not cute; get that inside your brain, Zee.

Unexpectedly, our ride on our way home was not awkward; it was actually pretty peaceful. He didn't pester me and force me to talk with him; he just silently sat there while watching the streets.

Since I didn't turn on the radio, only our breaths could be heard inside the car. Suddenly, I heard his stomach growling, and as I turned my head to look at him, he was trying to hide his stomach, as if that would stop it from growling. He must be really hungry since it is really late and he will be sleeping in his condo, where he might have no food.

So I find the nearest fast food place to order through the drive-through since it's way faster there. As I dictate my order to the person in charge, I realize something, and when I glance at the person in my passenger seat with a growling stomach, I can see him hiding his smile as if he were happy about something that I already know. 

Fuck myself for acting like I did before when we were still together. Everything I ordered was his usual order. I just want to smack myself right now. 

"So you still remember all my favorites, huh?" he said as he showed his sweet smile.

"I just moved on; I did not experience amnesia," I replied sarcastically.

Still you remembered 

Whatever, I said as I passed him his food.

"Thank you," he said happily before devouring his food. 

We were just like that until we reached his condo and bid him goodbye. 

I just fell for one of his tricks again. I can't just shake him off of me. I've been trying so hard to avoid him, but he's like a leech. The more I push him away, the more he sticks with me. I hope I can survive his games for the next few weeks. 

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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