Mount Natagumo: Part 1 - 那田蜘蛛山 前編

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"Good morning, Y/n-san," Tanjiro greets you with a sleepy yet bright smile, taking a seat across from you.

Zenitsu occupies the spot to your left, also beaming at you, while the masked man settles on your right with a huff, arms crossed and silent. You make a mental note to learn his name soon, realizing you can't keep referring to him as the "crazy, wild, boar-masked guy," despite the accuracy of the description.

"Did you sleep alright?" Zenitsu inquires, drawing your attention. You raise a brow slightly, and he scratches the back of his neck. "Oh, right..."

A brief silence ensues until Tanjiro claps his hands together, initiating the distribution of the small plates that were placed in the center of the table. He encourages everyone to start serving themselves. They each begin to reach for items from the various dishes, loading up their plates, while you simply observe. Despite feeling hungry, you hesitate, feeling a sense of unease about accepting the food. You feel as if you don't belong here, and that it would almost be inappropriate to take any of it. Your gaze flits over the dishes, but you quickly divert your eyes, choosing to wander around the room instead. It takes a moment before you realize that everyone has stopped and is now staring at you. Uncomfortable under their gaze, you shift your eyes between them, feeling out of place.

Tanjiro's concerned voice reaches you, and after a few seconds, you acknowledge him. His smile remains gentle as he tilts his head, picking up a dish and holding it up to you. As you scan over the contents, you purse your lips. Slowly, and awkwardly, you pick up the chopsticks set on the side and clumsily take a piece of food, placing it on your plate. You don't dare take any more than that single piece, but Tanjiro surprises with his next actions. Your eyes widen as he wordlessly adds a few more pieces to your plate, then grabs another dish, holding it up to you with that soft and caring smile still on his face. Zenitsu follows suit, eagerly presenting another dish. You crack a small smile, starting to feel a bit more at ease and warming up to their gestures.

They prove to be incredibly kind, patient, and understanding, continuously pointing out dishes and offering them to you until your plate is filled to a satisfactory level. Everyone begins to eat happily, with some even going for seconds after finishing their first helping. The spread includes various delicious dishes, but your attention is drawn to small round balls on a stick with a sweet glaze, quickly becoming your favorite. You contemplate grabbing another one but hesitate when you realize it's the last piece. Not wanting to be unfair to the others, you refrain.

Suddenly, the man with the boar mask, who had removed it earlier to eat, swiftly snatches the last piece, grinning with rice sticking to his chin as he holds it up and cackles. Catching your eye, he seems to revel in his victory. Disappointed but not overly bothered, you understand that he might need it more than you do, given his seemingly voracious appetite. In fact, all of them consumed much more than you did. With a small smile, you lean back, closing your eyes and relishing the sensation of a warm and full belly.

Clank !

Something drops onto your plate, prompting you to peek open an eye to investigate. To your surprise, you find the sweet treat there. Glancing at the man with the boar mask, you see his head turned away, his expression unreadable. A grin spreads across your face as you look at the treat again, realizing it has four pieces on the stick. You decide to share them among everyone. Zenitsu giggles and eagerly accepts the piece you offer him. Tanjiro wears a fond and grateful smile, thanking you for your kindness and thoughtfulness as he calmly takes his share. The boar man, eyeing you from the corner of his eye, slowly turns back to snatch the last piece from your hand with a grumble and a small frown, his face slightly red. Despite his grumbling, you all sit back and enjoy the treat together.

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