Chapter 1

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"Y'all are weak as fuck. I'm disappointed that every single one of you lost to Eunjang, so we're going to work at Happy Farms to gain strength and muscles. We're taking a bus so that none of you can try to drive away in the middle of the night."

Forrest eagerly shook his leg up and down with excitement on the bus. "Are we there yet?"

"You seem very eager," Donald said, "Are you looking forward to working on the farm?"

"I'm not looking forward to working on the farm." Forrest answered, "I'm looking forward to hanging out with my cow friend!"

Confused, Kingsley asked, "Cow friend? Have you been to Happy Farms before?"

"Happy Farms is owned by my family," Robin explained, "Forrest, Grape, and I grew up together and attended the nearby elementary school until we were sent to Seoul for middle school. We all attended different middle schools but we still came back during seasonal breaks to help out with the farm. Forrest grew up alongside one of the farm's cows."

"He's really big and really strong!" Forrest told them, "He became the leader and protector of the herd once he was old enough."

"You'll be able to immediately tell which cow is his best friend," Robin said, "because his cow has a unique appearance that you'll be able to recognize."

"All cows look the same," Wolf said, "They're all gonna be steaks."


"Everyone shut up," Donald said when the bus stopped, "We're here."

They all grabbed their luggage and bags and got off the bus. They walked down a rugged dirt road. A goat walked up to the high schoolers and stopped right in front of Donald. The goat stared right into Donald's eyes.

Robin petted the pygmy goat's head. "Hi Baekjin." 

Baekjin continued to silently stare at Donald, and Donald stared back because he refused to show any weakness towards a goat by being the first to back down. It was a tense few minutes, but the pygmy goat won the staredown by suddenly screaming and startling Donald. Baekjin laughed at Donald's expression, and then he pridefully sauntered off.

"Sorry," Robin apologized to Donald, "Baekjin likes to scream at people."

"At least we know we're at the correct farm," Kingsley said in an attempt to calm Donald down.

"Ah, so y'all finally got here." A young woman walked on up to them. She had freckles, black eyes, and had her hair up in a ponytail. Her hair was white at the roots and was a gradient to black towards the ends. 

"Oh my god!" Jimmy pointed at her. "You're fucking ripped!"

She was buff. Like VERY buff. All those years of working on the family farm had paid off.

"This is my older sister, Sparrow Ha," Robin told them. 

"Nice to meet ya." Sparrow handed a bunch of grapes to Grape, who eagerly began to snack on them. "Mom and Dad are finishing up cooking dinner for everyone. Y'all must be starving from the long ride."


"Are those guys with you?" Sparrow pointed to a group of high schoolers that were trying to inconspicuously follow the Union.

The group of high schoolers were Myles Joo and a handful of Manwol executives. 

Donald glared at Myles and reminded him of the beatings he had received. "Why are you here? Were you following us?"

Myles had seen the Union all pack up and wait and the bus stop together, so he had suspected some sort of secret overnight assembly was happening. He and Manwol had quickly packed up a bag of things and followed them, and somehow had gone unnoticed during the duration of the lengthy trip.

"Oh, now I can see the resemblance!" Sparrow laughed. "Forrest wasn't kidding when he said someone he met at Naemun Middle School looked like a human version of Miles."

"I'm Myles Joo."

"Wow, your name is even almost identical." Sparrow nudged Forrest. "Go call Miles."

Forrest took a deep breath and shouted, "MILES MOO! I'M HOME!"

A suspenseful silence followed. Then, the sound of hoofbeats began to grow louder and closer. A large cow with purple and light purplish patches hurriedly nuzzled Forrest and mooed loudly. His golden eyes were tearing up with joy because he finally reunited with his best friend.

 His golden eyes were tearing up with joy because he finally reunited with his best friend

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"That cow fucking looks like me," Myles deadpanned, "Why the FUCK does it look like me!"

Jake added, "And his name is Miles Moo. Very close to Myles Joo."

"And the cow's name is Miles Moo!" Myles threw his hands into the air. "Forrest, what the fuck!?"

"This is my best friend, Miles Moo!" Forrest hugged his cow. "Miles, I've missed you SO much!"

"The reason he followed you in the first place is because you look like Miles," Robin told the former Hyeongshin leader, "and he really missed his pet cow. He thought you'd have the same personality as Miles, but you two are clearly different."

"Since this is obviously not an important secret Union meeting," Myles scoffed, "we'll be leaving now."

"You'll have to wait at least a week for the next bus to the city," Sparrow said, "or you can start walking. If you want to stay here for the week, y'all also have to pitch in with the work just like everyone else."

Myles shared a look with Manwol, and they all reluctantly agreed to stay. "Fine."

"We also have one more group of people that also volunteered to help out," Sparrow told them, "but there's enough room and grub for everyone. Oh, it looks like they came here by car."

"Why the fuck is Cheongang here!"

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