Magsimula sa umpisa

She felt someone glaring at her so she looked up and see who it was. It was Chaewon and Sakura "Yah watch your language, did you forget that we have a 17 year old here?" Sakura said. "Sorry Unnie but look at this. The Hyundai almost won the championship in this race series. This is thrilling you might want to watch it as well." Yunjin said.

"Then watch the whole highlights and let us see." Chaewon said. Then they can hear all the commentators voice and the roaring of the cars.

Just pretend Y/N is driving the Hyundai.

After they have watched the video. The girls were astonished to see the insane speeds these drivers are taking through the turns, and the jumps are ridiculous. After the rally they were still watching the interview. Chaewon was surprised to see the one driving the Hyundai.


OH! He's cute and brave, also he's tall. What am I thinking? It is still dangerous for him to drive that fast.

"C'mon guys back to practice, break time is over." I announced.

We practiced till night and now after practice we are at the van going to our dorm. I went through my phone and scroll through insta and guess what I found. I found the Hyundai Motorsports page. So I followed it. The next moment I received a notification.

"Hyundai rally driver Y/N Santiago is going to Ulsan, South Korea to visit the Hyundai factory. Santiago has been under a lot of pressure so he decided to go to the factory and give feedbacks about the engine, chassis and the way the car behaves to improve handling and performance. Courtesy of Hyundai Motorsports Rally team." I read aloud.

Then the girls head went up to look at me. "Is that true Unnie?" asked Eunchae. "Yes it's true I just saw from the Hyundai page. As I was scrolling on Instagram." I answered.

"You know what, that driver is kinda cute and talented at the same time. I searched about him and he's only the same age as you Unnie." said Yunjin.

I looked at her and gave he the 'are you serious' look. I had my eyebrows meet at the middle of my forehead of what I just heard. I was about to ask her but then we arrived at the dorm.

I went straight to my room and took a bath. I layed down my bed and thought for a second. That what if I bumped into him here in Korea. I got lost in my thoughts but I immediately turned of my phone and sleep.

Y/N Pov

I woke up at the middle of the day here in the UK. I was instructed to prepare my luggage since I'll be flying to Korea the next day. Before I packed up I went down to the convenience store for some lunch. I missed cooking so I'm gonna cook some steak for myself. I took my wallet and wore some jeans and sneakers then a hoodie. I got out of the apartment and walked down the street.

I entered the store and there are people who recognized me. They were calling my name asking me to sign their shirt of their cap. If your asking how much money do I make a year well its probably 5-8 million dollars a year. That's already a lot for me.

After I shopped I went back to my apartment. Immediately sorted out the ingredients. Some pork, pepper, some salt, also the redbulls I won't forget about those.

Then pre-heated the pan and cooked my lunch slash dinner. Also made some popcorns for later when I'm watching movies or some kpop. I haven't really watched kpop for a while now.

There is this new group Le Serrafim and I don't I have any idea about them. All I know is that they are from HYBE labels same as BTS. To be honest I always listen to some BTS song before every session. It helps me calm my nerves down and really gets me hyped up.

I was browsing through some channels, I found nothing interesting. So I packed up my clothes and after that I went on Instagram. I found that the news of me going to Korea was all over it. So I switched again to YouTube then I saw a video "A helpful guide to Le Serrafim" so I pressed it and watched. So they are all beautiful then Sakura and Chaewon are from another group that disbanded. And chaewon is only months older than me. Gosh! She is so cute I think I have a bias. Then Yunjin, Kazuha and Eunchae. Now I know them this is really helpful.

Then I watched some funny videos of them and called it a night, before I slept Antonio called me that tomorrow at six we will be leaving. Their just gonna fetch me here at my apartment. After that I put on some slow music and fell asleep.

Author's note:

Hey guys this is your author. This would be my first book. I just love kpop and motorsports so much. I was getting bored of reading so I decided to make my own. This would be a pretty long book but the chapters would not be long. Probably the longest chapter would only contain 4k words.

So thank you guys for reading and I hope we keep supporting Le Serrafim and WRC, F1, Motogp, and WEC towards the end.

Thank you guys, just comment if you feel there is something that I should improve and hopefully I shall fix it.


If In Doubt, Flat Out (Chaewon X M Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon