Always together

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Hi! Omg so like i was scrolling through my mind for ideas and wooo! i got some! Anyways so very huge time skip like maybe 4 years bc im lazy<333

Hi! Omg so like i was scrolling through my mind for ideas and wooo! i got some! Anyways so very huge time skip  like maybe 4 years bc im lazy<333

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My cat is so beautiful. Lol ignore me in the background🧍🏽‍♀️ Anyways, so I was doing sum and guess what. I surprisingly cleaning my room! WOOOOO. However The reason I have take so long to finally write a new chapter is indeed bc I have been working on one-shots, for when I start making my new story. Also im sorry but i am very sad to say this Story will be ending💔💔💔😔 Uh yeah.


You were laying down next to Billy, and it was approximately 9 am. You had just dropped of Emi of at school about an hour ago. You were watching some random crap Billy had just put on. Suddenly you get a call. You picked up your phone and tilted your head when you read "Unknown caller." You swiped at your screen and put your phone up to your ear. "Hello?" you said softly, "Hello, is this Y/n Loomis, mother of Emilio Loomis?" You hummed, "Yeah, did something happen?" you asked. "Well...yes, your son punched a kid in the face." the caller said. "Wait, I'm sorry what? Who is this btw?" you said confused. "Oh, I'm the secretary for #### Elementary school, but yes he did punch a kid. Can you please come pick him up? We will discuss his consequences later."  You hummed and said, "Yes of course..." you hung up and looked at Billy, who had heard the conversation. "Well this day was gonna come some day." Billy said smiling and shrugged his shoulders. "Let's go!" He got up and grabbed your hands to bring you up. "Seriously? You need to stop teaching him these things.."

~times skip

"Excuse me?!" You half yelled at the principal. Emilio looked up at you scared. "You were letting this kid bully mine, but the second he defends himself it's a problem?!" You yelled. "Ma 'am i don't-" the principle said trying to interfere. "You know what, dont even." You said cutting him off. "Let's go." you told them. Billy picked up Emilio and followed you as your stormed out of the building. "Y/n wait up!" You turned around and apologized for the way you acted. "I'm sorry i shouldn't have freaked out so much..." Billy smiled, "No it's fine right Emilio?" Your son nodded and went to hug you. "Let me see what he did." Your son pulled up his sleeves and showed you writings all over his arms, and he turned around and pointed to the spot where the kid chopped of his hair."Oh...that li-" you said before shutting your mouth. "Anyways why dont we go get ice scream?" You said smiling. Emilio started jumping up and down "Yes please!!" He said smiling. You all got into the car and started driving. "Hey Billy?" You said, "Yes darling?" He responded. "Do me a favor..." You said smirking. "Take care of him tonight, I got many important things to do...." You said smirking. Billy looked up at you, he raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Of course darling.."


"So~ Tell me? Why is your dumbass so ignorant?" You asked, and tilted your head. You swung the knife in between fingers. " You grabbed a chair and faced it towards you. You sat on it resting your arms on the frame. "Is it because of all the money...his parent send you to keep your mouth shut perhaps?"  You smirked and threw the knife up in the air catching it perfectly. "Or because his mom likes to blow you off and let you do whatever to her. You pulled out a phone pressing play. Lustful noises could be heard as you showed him the video, he looked terrified.  "Oh wait..there's more!" You swiped through endless pictures. The look on his face made you shiver in excitement. "Now tell me What would her husband and your wife think about this?" You asked.  He tried to let out muffled pleas, but too bad he was gagged. "What was that? You think they'll be pleased? Oh perfect because they're uploading right now, and they'll be tagged!" You heard muffled no and cries. His eyes were balling, "Awww, don't cry! Come on your better than this.." you said faking a frown. "Man up come on! Your wife will also know about those other affairs!" You said chuckling, "Oh this is exciting, and we've just began!"

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