Little? (Minsung) || LittleSpace

Start from the beginning

"Calm down, Minnie," The leader looked at the other members, all of who were confused. Why was Minho talking like that? "Jisung, go ice your head. Felix, follow him. Changbin and Seungmin, do whatever just not in here,"

Every member left the room. As Jisung exited, "I said my head is fine," he said

"That's not up for discussion," Felix said, pushing the boy out the door and closing it.

As soon as the door closed, Minho hugged Chan. " 'm sowwy Channie! Day wouwdn' go 'way when I said to! Sungie keep ask wha' wash wong an' I keep sayin' to go 'way bu' Sungie an' Wixie keep buggin' me an' not movin'! 'm sowwy! I hwurt Sungie! Is my fwaut! Pwease don' gif Minmin a punnyshment! Day hwurt wewwy bwad! I say dat I did it–"

"Minnie, calm down." He shushed the younger. "I'm not gonna punish you but you do need to apologize to Jisung soon. But why were you alone in here in the first place? I thought we agreed you would come to me if–"

"I didn' wan' to boder chu. Chu wash busy an' Minnie didn' wan' to wuin your wowk becash you wouwd ge' mwad a' Minnie den chu wouwd punnyshment Minnie an' Minnie wouwdn' haf fun anymwore tonigh' an' Minnie no wan' dat!" He whined, stuffing his face against Chan's chest.

"Are you sure your head is fine? If Chan heard it from in here–"

"Chan's like a vampire. And I've said many times," he hissed as he set his head down on the ice pack, "my head is fine."

"Yeah okay," Felix lay down next to Jisung. "Do you think Minho is okay?"

"I dunno. He never cried when we're home so–" Minho's giggles filled the room as he ran into the room, Chan not far behind. "Why am I always getting interrupted?" Felix giggled, pecking the elder's lips.

Minho ran up to the couple, sitting down in front of Jisung on the floor. Jisung faced the elder, a small smile on his face. "Hello,"

"Hi..." Minho bit his lip. "I'm... I'm sorry for pushing you earlier. I was... I was not in a good mood... sorry..." He looked down.

"It's fine, Min. I'm sorry for bugging you,"

Minho smiled. "Is okay! Can we have cuddle movie time now?"

"Sure," Jisung turned towards Felix. "Can you turn on a movie?"

"Why can't you?"

Jisung pouted. "Please~ You'll get free kisses~"

The Aussie sighed, getting up from his spot. Minho gasped at the free spot. Slowly, he lay next to Jisung, hugging the boy tightly. "What are we gonna watch?" Felix asked, sitting on the edge of the couch, almost sitting on Jisung's legs.

"Can we watch Sleeping Beauty?" Minho asked, climbing onto Jisung's chest. The blonde groaned at the weight. Immediately, Minho laid back down. "Sorry..."

"Hey, Chan." Jisung knocked on the doorway to the leader's room.

Chan looked up from his computer. "What's up, Sung?"

Jisung walked up to the elder's bed, sitting on the edge so Chan didn't have to move far. "Is Minho acting... Weird around you?"

The leader leaned back in his chair. "What do you mean?"

"I dunno..." He fell onto the bed. "Like... Like last week," he sat back up, too quickly, "shit... when... When he came to apologize to me! He... after he apologized, I suggested we have– I– I mean he suggested we have a cuddle movie night. There's nothing wrong with it!" He shook his hands frantically. "It's just that Min isn't one to... Y'know..."

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