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The Dinner with the guys just ended and i was about to go to pedris car again when a hand grapped mine and pulled me back.

"Hey would you like to walk around a bit?" Gavi asks with a smile on his face.

At that moment i'm happy i put on sneakers instead of heels or something like that.Even tho my mom said they would ruin the outfit, i think it was a great choice.

I nod at Pablos question but go to pedri for a second to tell him i'm leaving with Gavi.

Pedri Just said ok and to have fun and then i went back to Pablo.


We walk around and at some point we end up at the beach.

We sit down on the sand, chatting about everything and nothing while watching the sun go down behinde the horizon.

It was absolutly perfekt and i loved every second of it.

I teased Gavi so much that at some point he got up and wanted to tickle me but i stood up as fast as i could and started to run.

We both laughed a lot and i somehow endet up in the water so Gavi also got into the water so then we started to splash each other with water until we were both soaking wet.

After we got out of the water we sat down on the sand again and Gavi got us Creps from a little stand at the beach.

I love Creps, especially the ones with Nutella on it, like it's like heaven.

Anyways once he came back we started to walk in the direction of our homes.

An Hour later we stood infront of his house and i was kinda confuesed as to why we're here.

"I was wondering if you would like to sleep over. We could make a movie night." Gavi said looking absolutly adorable.

"I would love to but what are we watching?" I answered smiling at him and going inside.

"Would you like to watch the cars movies? I know you like F1 so i thought maybe you also like those movies you know." He said.

"I love the cars movies." I said.

Gavi and i then went to the couch and made ourselfes comfortable.

"Would you like to get some of my stuff to put on?" Gavi suddenly askes. "I guess they would be more comfortable then the dress. Even tho you look beautiful in it."

I smile and then nod, so Gavi gets up and comes downstairs a few minutes later with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt in his hands.

"Gracias." I say while taking the close.

I go to the bathroom and put on his clothes.

His t-shirt is so big on me that the shorts weren't even that necessary.

I got back to the couch and sat back down this time right beside Gavi.

We looked at each other for some time before i layed down cuddeling into him.

At first i was scared on how he will react but i soon felt his arms snake around me, pulling me closer towards him and i relaxed into his embrace

We put on the second movie half an hour ago and i feel quite tired so i close my eyes just wanting to close them for a moment but ofcourse i fell asleep.


The Next Morning i woke up and when i wanted to move i felt an arm around my waste not wanting me to go.

At first i was taken aback but then i remembered last night and just smiled like an idiot.

"Why you smiling like that?" Gavi asked, just waking up.

"Just happy." I said turning around so we lay very close to each other.

"Oh really? Just Happy?" He asked with his morning voice and i feel like i will fold in the next second.

"Yeah just happy." I say but it comes out as more as a whisper.


Around 10 minutes later we got up and Gavi started to make us breakfast and he looks fucking hot while cooking.

Did i meantion that he was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and he didn't have a shirt on?

No? Well he does and that's to much to handle at fucking 9am like wow.


Hello guys,

I'm sorry that i haven't posted in a while but school just started again and i've been busy with that.

Also Thank you guys for 1k like that's fucking mental Thank you guys so much.

I will try to post as often as i can but i think that there will be like one maybe two posts per week it depends on how busy i am but yeah i'll try my best.

again thank you guys for reading this story and i hope you all have an awesome week.

Thoughts~pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now