My big entrance

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I did not know what Alya meant by big entrance I just thought the outfit was it but of course I was dumb as we were about to enter smoke filled the air we walked through the smoke and when the smoke was out a spot light appeared on me I laughed Alya really knew how to make entrances

I went to the principals office and got my schedule I was in all the ap classes and also calculus this wouldn't be hard I ran out to find Alya and bumped into something hard shit whoever or whatever this was smelt amazing I looked up to see someone towering over me he had blonde hair and amazing forest green eyes they were beautiful I then came back to my senses and realized it was Adrien I was panicking in my mind

S-s- sorry i said and ran off not going to lie he looked amazing but I have to like I don't care I found Alya and showed her my schedule she was so excited we have most of our classes together and we are in the same home room then she realizes

Alya: Shit shit shit Marinette!! You are in 2 classes with Adrien and in the same home room with him

Marinette: yeah shitttt I can just transfer you knowwwww

Alya:Hell nooo

Marinette: on the Adrien topic I bumped into him but I don't think he knows that it was me

Alya: You guys have to talk tho and also I know you love him

Marinette: l-l- love is a very strong word

Alya:Mhm you love him

Marinette: Fine fine I love him!

Adrien: Love who? What's up Alya and who's your new friend

Alya: Adrien this is M-

Marinette: Destiny

Adrien: Don't come with your bullshit I know it's you Marinette!

Alya: Yea you know what bye Adrien and Marinette

Marinette:Fuck you Alya!!

Alya: love you too

Adrien: how have you been by the way you look great your ass is so fat

Marinette: Shut the fuck up pig

Adrien: Feisty huh?

Marinette: and???

Love that he said while walking by her and grabbing her ass

Marinette: Fuck you Adrienn!

Adrien:Bet you would like to do that wouldn't you darling

Marinette: Fuckk I hate this s-

The bell rings

Ahhh let me get going or imma be late she said while running she went into the classroom and the only open seat was next to Adrien she was panicking

Ms bustier: Hello class this is our new student Marinette can you introduce yourself??

Marinette: Yes as you know my name is Marinette I am best friends with Alya and all you need to do is stay out of my way and we will be good thank you

Ms bustier: Okay thank you for that introduction I guess you can sit next to Alya Nino go and sit beside Adrien

Nino: Miss you can't do this to me

Adrien:It's fine if Marinette sits here miss

Ms bustier: It's up to you Marinette do you want to sit there??


I walked over to my seat placed my bag down and sat while Ms bustier was talking I felt a hand on my thigh moving up I grabbed his hand and threw it off my leg

Marinette: Leave me the fuck alone Adrien

Adrien: Baby Girl just let me take care of you

Marinette:I swear I will fuck you up Adrien leave me the fuck alone

Adrien:Fuck you I love grabbing your ass so you will have to kill me to stop that

Marinette:Fuck youuu

Adrien came close to my ears and in an deep and sexy voice he said I heard you saying you love someone please know your mine and mine only he said and then bit my ear a little bit the bell rang I grabbed my bag and was walking off with Alya when I felt a hard slap on my ass I swear I was going to kill that asshole 

3 hours later fuck I hate school so much and it was lunch time I headed to the cafeteria got my food and sat with Alya then Adrien and Nino showed up and Nino sat beside Alya and Adrien sat beside me I was going to kill him if he touched me  I began to eat then I saw him grab some of my fries I was mad but okay I put down the burger and took up so fries and he took up my burger and took a big ass bite

Marinette: Stop eating my fucking food I will kill you!!

Okay he said while sipping my drink 

I just slapped him on the back of his neck and when he lift his head up I slapped him in the face

Adrien grabbed my hands I was so fucking scared I don't know what he was going to do all I knew was he got me stand somehow and was dragging me I shout out watch my food Alya!!!

He dragged me into a storage room and locked the door

Marinette:what the fuck why did you carry me here

Adrien:Shut up bitch

Marinette: who the fuck are you calling a bitch

Adrien:You, you fucking ruined my life I loved you

Marinette: l-l-love

Adrien:Yes Marinette


I was interrupted by the feeling of soft lips on my lips I didn't pull back I kissed him back we kissed for a couple minutes then pulled away

Adrien:What the fuck why did you return Mari?

Mari I haven't heard that nickname in years I was overwhelmed I kissed him  I then pulled away I opened the door to walk away and felt a slap on my ass

Marinette: Adrien you really have to stop doing that people will think that we are dating

Adrien: And you might be my worst enemy but you would look good by my side especially your fat ass

Marinette: Fuck you!!

I ran back to the cafeteria to eat my food after all food is food  i finished eating and the bell rang I went back to classes my next calls was with Adrien I entered the class to see.......

Hiii my bears  I hope y'all enjoy this this was updated because of TheCatNoirOfTheNight

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