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A/N:thanks for reading this guys haha its close to its end maybe 4-5 chapters left?

"Every man is afraid of something. That's how you know he's in love with you; when he is afraid of losing you." - Unknown

Ron Weasley sat alone in McGonagall's office, head bowed and staring at his hands. It was some time before he was joined by the Professor-turned-Headmistress herself. Even then, his posture didn't change. McGonagall entered and took her seat across from Ron without a word, and sat there observing him for several silent minutes. Usually, such silence would have had Ron squirming in his seat. But under the present circumstances, he hardly noticed it above the white noise of his buzzing thoughts.

"Mr. Weasley," McGonagall said at last, splitting the silence with her crisp voice. "I must say, when Madam Pince informed me a fight had broken out in the library corridor, I hardly expected to find you and Mr. Potter in the center of the fray!"

Ron nodded at his hands, his mouth sagging in a doleful frown.

"I have jumped to the conclusion – forgive me if I am wrong – that the matter at hand is of a personal nature between you and Mr. Potter. Your longstanding friendship assures me that this is no impulsive brawl between two over-easily provoked teenagers nor an occurrence that is likely to repeat itself. As such, I hesitate to pry. However, I am afraid that as Headmistress I cannot take such a significant breach of school conduct lightly. I am going to have to ask you to speak for yourself."

Ron cast his eyes up at McGonagall, beseeching and quailing under her stern gaze.

"I'm sorry Mr. Weasley, but this is how it's going to have to be."

Ron nodded his understanding and looked back down at his hands.

"Why did you attack Harry?" McGonagall asked.

Ron swallowed. "I can't say."

McGonagall was quiet for a moment. "I feared as much," she said. "You do know that if you don't provide an explanation I will be forced to proceed as though the attack was unprovoked and punish you accordingly."

"I know."

"And do you still refuse to explain yourself?"

"I can't tell you what happened," Ron said. His voice shook a little with nerves. Harry had always been much better at standing up to authority figures than he was. "It's between me and Harry and I can't tell you what it is. I'm sorry." He looked up, expecting her disapproval, and was surprised to find the flat line of her mouth had tweaked upwards – McGonagall's interpretation of an encouraging smile.

"You are one of the finest friends in Hogwarts, Mr. Weasley," she said. "I do believe I would be disappointed if you'd done anything less."

Ron blushed an unattractive shade of maroon and turned back to his hands, feeling nauseous.

"What about..." He cleared his throat. "Where's Harry?"

"Madam Pomfrey took him to the hospital wing. He's got a couple bruised ribs, a black eye setting in, and a broken nose, I believe, but you didn't do him any permanent damage."

"Oh. Good," Ron said. He was relieved to hear it, but it didn't take the edge off of the nausea sloshing in his stomach.

"Why don't you go back to Gryffindor for now," McGonagall suggested. "I will consider your punishment and contact you tomorrow."

Ron nodded one last time, then politely excused himself and left.

… & …

The light in Gryffindor common room turned poignant as the mid-afternoon sun peaked and began to wane towards evening. It slanted across Hermione's face, drawn tight with concern. She was sitting at a table by the windows, foot tapping and periodically flipping pages of the book in front of her with an impatient vehemence. She let out a huff of breath and flipped a particular page so sharply it tore a little – aggravating her further – when the portrait hole suddenly opened, admitting a shell-shocked and somewhat bewildered Ron. Hermione rose to her feet before she could think to do so.

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