He's Cory's Best Mate

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Georgie Wilson

Riz and I being together flew around the school and it was all anyone was talking about. "I'm going to find Missy and Nas." I said to Riz who smiled and kissed my temple. "I know what you need." I said to Nas who groaned. "Don't say chocolate." Nas said and I chuckled. "No. A rebound date." I said and she ran her hands through her hair. "Need to get you a new girlfriend." Missy said and I nodded in agreement. "As if my life isn't complicated enough?" Nas asked and I smirked.

"It'll help you get over Lila!" Missy said and I laughed. "My dad wants me to have an arranged marriage." Nas said and I rubbed her arm softly. "Yeah, but you're not going to." I said and Nas sighed. "I just I hate my dad not being there and Mum's trying to act like it's all normal saying "he's in Bradford on business"." Nas said with a sigh. "And then it's the thought of him being on his own. I don't want to upset him any more." Nas said and I bit my lip. "So what you saying?" Missy asked and Nas sighed in frustration. "I can't date girls. Not Lila, not anyone." Nas said and I bit my lip. "How are you ever going to be happy if you can't be yourself?" I asked and Nas rubbed his shoulder. "You don't get it, do you? Girls like me can't be themselves."

I went to find Riz and Cory. "What's Cory doing?" I asked Riz who chuckled. "Watch." Riz said and my eyes followed my brother to Alya. "Oi!" Cory shouted and Alya turned to him. "What's this about you wanting to ask me out?" Alya asked and Cory flushed. "Who told you?" Cory asked Alya who smirked. "Is it true?" Alya asked Cory who gulped. "So what if it is?" Cory asked with a shrug. "Well, why don't you ask me and see what I say?" Alya said, stepping closer to Cory. "All right, do you want to go out some time?" Cory asked cockily. "No. What? Do you think you can just see a girl you like and pick her out like a pair of trainers? You don't even know me. You didn't even ask me, you asked my brother. How about you ask me when you grow up?"

I snorted a with laughter as Cory walked back over to us, looking angry. "Yeah, thanks for dropping me in it there, mate." Cory said, punching Riz playfully. "I never said nothing!" Riz said with a laugh. "Yeah, then who did?" Cory asked and I smirked. "You gotta admit, though. You got burnt, didn't yer? What was that, you thought you could get any girl?" Riz asked and Cory smirked and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you just wait and see, mate." Cory said and Riz smirked. "Oi. Watch and learn, loser." Cory said and smirked over at Chloe.

"You all right, London?" Cory asked Chloe who smirked at him. "You enjoy the game?" Cory asked and Chloe blushed. "Um - I didn't see it. I was in detention." Chloe said and I rolled my eyes. "Oh what's the matter, don't you like watching lads getting sweaty? No, I'm only kidding." Cory said with a smirk. "What you doing tomorrow night, after school?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Not much." Chloe said with a shrug. "You want to go out?" Cory asked and Chloe bit her lip. "Yeah. OK."

"Sweet." Cory said with a smirk, Hayley was beside Chloe. "All right." Cory said and Chloe smirked. "Cool." Chloe said and walked off with Hayley, giggling. "You wanna come to mine?" Riz asked and I smiled sheepishly. "Will your parents be ok with that?" I asked and he shrugged, wrapping his arm around me and squeezing me tightly.

"I'm just going home to get changed." I said and Riz nodded. "Meet me outside mine in half a hour." I said and Riz nodded, I headed home. "Jord?" I asked he was sitting at the kitchen table. "What's up?" I asked and he bit his lip. "I maybe a dad." Jordan said and my eyes widened. "What, to who?" I asked and Jordan sighed angrily. "Bloody Candice." Jordan said and I rubbed my face. "Oh Jordan." I whispered, pulling him into a hug. "How do you know?" I asked and he bit his lip. "Mr Bell has sent off for a test." Jordan said and I rubbed his shoulder before going into my room and getting changed.

I met Riz outside when Dad stepped out of the living room. "I thought I told you, no boys!" Dad shouted and I glared at him. "Dad, I told you Riz isn't like Steve." I said and he grabbed my collar, Riz looked at me worriedly. "Dad, Riz isn't Steve. He's Cory's best mate." I said and dad pushed me back by my collar. "Don't bother coming home!" Dad growled and my lip trembled, I walked off with Riz, keeping quiet.

"You okay?" Riz asked and I whimpered, he brought me into a tight hug and cupped my hair with my hands. "I- I told you what he's like." I whispered and Riz stroked my hair. "C'mon, mums made tea." He said and I smiled up at him softly as we walked to his house.

"Back again?" Farida asked and I blushed. "I'm only joking. Riz must really like you." Farida said and I smiled softly at her. "Thank you, your son is amazing." I said feeling my cheeks heat up, Riz entwined our fingers and pulled me upstairs to his room. "Door open!" Farida shouted and Riz rolled his eyes. We sat on his bed and I cuddled into him as we watched Tv. His hand traced circles on my waist and I looked up at him, his lips met mine and I wrapped my arm around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Different Worlds ~Riz Nawaz~ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن