Part 5 - The Night

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- Dun, dun, dun, du du du, dun ,daaaan.. Green mutters.
It's late at night and the others have gone to sleep while Green stayed up. They don't know about it but he isn't just staying up because of the hole. No, he had heard other strange sounds before they even discovered the hole. He wanted to find out what it was, maybe it would happen today. Suddenly a noise comes from the other side of the house. With no hesitation he stands up and sneaks to the other side of the wall. It's dark and he can't see that clearly. But there are 2 people there. It seems like they are holding hands? But before he could even think more of it someone knocks him and he falls into someone's arms.
- You guys are really stupid, huh? A dark, male voice whispers.
The pain is so insane that no words come out of his mouth.
- I'll let you be here, I won't take you and your friends to my lab, not yet, but I still have to do something to make things more fun, you know? The person says.
The face is hidden in a black hoodie. He takes out a syringe with ocean blue liquid.
- This doesn't hurt, or at least not as much as my other stuff, the person says before he sticks Green with the needle in his arm.
With that Green falls unconscious. The person leaves the syringe out besides Green.
- You're lucky.. The person says before they turn around and goes back into the hole.

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