
"Go away, Matthew. I don't want to talk with anyone right now," Madison interrupted him, her voice weak. She heard no reply from her older brother. A small part of her hoped that he had left, but that wasn't the case Madison had figured out. Matthew, Jr. had sat on the edge of her bed, watching her stare at him.

"Maddie, please understand that I have to do this," Matthew, Jr. told his younger sister solemnly. "I have to do this for my country, I have to do it for us. If I sign up, I get money. If I get money, I can send it back here." The Klein family wasn't one of the poorer families, but they were definitely not the richest either. They had made it through the Great Depression, but money was still tight, especially with six people living under one roof.

Madison sat up against her bed frame, eyeing her older brother. "Matt, I do understand. I just don't like it that you're leaving," she explained. "I just don't like it one bit. You're going to be shipped out into a foreign land. You could get hurt. I'm scared that you're going to die and if you did, what would happen to us? Mama's heart will be absolutely shattered, we would all break. I don't think I could bear it," Madison had started to hyperventilate at this point. She felt her brother's arms wrap around her. She hugged him back. "I won't be able to bear it."

Matthew, Jr. pulled back, staring down at his little sister. It hurt him to see her like this. Growing up as the oldest of four children, he had to protect his younger siblings. Knowing that Madison was hurt by his decision had hurt him. He was causing his little sister to be distraught.

"Maddie, I am not going to die out there, okay? I promise, I am going to survive this war and return home to everyone here," Matthew vowed to his sister. He held out his pinky to her. "Pinky promise."

Madison couldn't help but let a little giggle escape from her. She wrapped her small pinky finger around her older brother's pinky, sealing the deal. "Okay."

It was silent between the two for a moment before Madison asked, "What branch did you sign up for?"

* * *

It was almost two weeks later when Matthew, Jr. left for California. He had joined the Marine Corps. Both Madison and Morgan couldn't help but roll their eyes. They both had the same thought: of course he would sign up for the Marines, out of all the things. They were supposedly the best, and Matt would definitely fit in with their quotas.

It was a week later and Madison was growing more concerned, more worried. She knew she wanted to help with the war, too; she had to help. Her brother, his friends, her best friend's older brother, boys who were her neighbors, boys who worked at the local grocery store...all of them were signing up. So many people she knew were signing up and being shipped out in a blink of an eye. They were going out, risking their necks. Madison couldn't just sit by and watch everyone leave. She had to do something. Not only for her brother, but for herself, too. Eventually, Madison did sign up. She signed up to be a nurse.

It all happened one day thanks to a trip to the grocery store. Madison and her mother were in line when the woman in front of them was a dime short. Madison had noticed that the woman was wearing a uniform. It had caught her interest.

"Um, excuse me, Miss?" Madison piped up. The young woman turned around and Madison received a better look. Her outfit—a suit jacket and skirt to match—was military green. This was one of the few factors that sparked an idea in the young girl's head. Madison quickly gave the woman a dime she needed before asking, "If you don't mind me asking, Miss, but what are you wearing?"

"Madison!" Marlene Klein had immediately scolded. Madison immediately turned red, bowing her head in embarrassment. The woman had offered a gentle smile. She was really pretty, too, Madison had taken note.

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