I took the phone from his hand and picked up.

-Ace, we're on our way stop calling!
-Luffy it's 7:17pm, you're almost 30 minutes late! We're gonna loose the table if you don't get here soon.
-Alright alright! We're on the Uber, what do you want me to do? Traffic is really bad!

Zoro chuckled lowly and Torao rolled his eyes.

-Okay, just hurry up!.- Ace replied.
-Cool, alright, okay, bye.- I hung up. -We gotta go. Torao you ready?

He chuckled and opened the door for me.

-What do you think?
-Right, sorry. Bye Zoro!!
-Bye guys, have a nice dinner.
-Thanks, see ya Roronoa.

We left the halls and got on an Uber to the restaurant. I sighed heavily as I sat down and looked at my handsome date.

-Sorry about that Torao, I couldn't find the right thing to wear and then I couldn't get my hair to—
-You look perfect, Luffy.- he interrupted with a smile.
-Thanks, you too.- I smiled back.- Also, I should warn you... you'll probably see my brother scolding me for being late when we get there...
-It's okay.- he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.- It's not completely your fault that we're late. We could have gone to your apartment earlier if it weren't for.. You know, that lazy morning.- he blushed lightly and I giggled.
-Right, you tell Ace that.


We finally arrived and... we were indeed 30 minutes late. We got inside and found Ace and Marco sitting at the bar, so we joined them.

-Hey guys!
(Torao) -Hello.
(Marco) -Hi, how's it going?
(Ace) -Do you have any idea what time it is?!
(Marco) -Ace, love, calm d—
(Ace) -No Marco. Luffy needs to hear it. We lost our table because of you. Can't you ever be on time? Not even for once? You never change Luffy.
-Ace don't be so dramatic. We'll get a table soon, what matters is that we're here now.
(Ace) -Tsk, I knew I shouldn't have told you the right time of the reservation. If I'd said 6:30 would've been here on time.
-That's funny, Zoro said you'd do that. Then why didn't you?
-Luffy... -Ace stared at me with anger in his eyes.- Are you fuck—
-Ace. -Marco took Ace's hand and so my brother turned his gaze to him.- Should we order some drinks?
-Sure... Let's order some drinks. -Ace sighed.
-Waaaiiter!- I called out.



Not long after Luffy order the drinks, a waiter came to tell us our table was ready.

-See, Ace? We barely had to wait for a new table.- Luffy said and I gave him a small nudge.
-Maybe you shouldn't tease your brother like that.- I whispered.
-You know what Luffy, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that, but after dinner, you're a dead man. C'mon Marco, let's go sit down. -Ace said.
-Actually, why don't you go ahead and sit with Luffy? I'll wait to for the drinks we ordered.
-You're gonna wait alone?- Ace asked.
-Law could wait with me.

Eh? Me? I barely know him.

(Marco) -We'll go as soon as they bring us the drinks.
(Ace) - Alright, let's go crybaby.
(Luffy) - Hey, don't call me that!

Luffy and Ace followed the waiter to our table and I was left with Marco. I didn't know what to say, so I stood in silence while Marco watched them leave.

-Law, I need to tell to you something, but you can't tell Luffy.- Marco turned to me seriously.


Yours Forever (LawLu)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя