Chapter 2

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Ni and i now know that i was the only one he ever really talked to. no one understands it, it just sort of happened that way. he was like the brother i never had. after school i walk about 10 blocks to an old abandoned building. Home Sweet Home. ive been living here for 4 or 5 years now, alone, except for Niall who stayed over almost every night.


It was 2 days before my 10th birthday party, my parents both came home drunk as usual so i hid in my normal spot a little area behind our lazy boy style couch, just big enough for 2 people i know that because sometimes Niall would be over and he would have to hide with me. Sure my parents were always drunk but this time was different, my dad was piss drunk and was super mad at my mom. Niall was on his way over when they got home so he was sitting outside the window just to make sure that if they tried to do anything to me then he could call for help.

My moms biggest mistake was trying to ignore my dad

i can still remember the exact words he said as he beat her to death. "YOU UNGREATFUL BITCH I GI-GIVE YOU EVERYTHING AND YOU DONT GIVE ME SHIT!!!! YOU DESERVE THIS, BITCH!!!!!!"

i saw the whole thing happen, so did niall. all of a sudden my little hididng spot didnt seem safe enough. i crawled all the way back until i was totally out of sight.i was bawling my eyes out so i couldnt see a thing. i heard my dads bedroom door slam, and as soon as i did, i ran over too my mom. it was too late, she was gone. i ran outside and Niall and i sprinted the whole way back to his house.

after about 2 hours of me crying in Nialls arms i shyly asked, "wh-where do i g-go now?"

"we have to tell someone" he pleaded

"NO! then they will put me in a foster home, who knows where. and we may never see eachother again Ni"

"well then i dont know"

"can i stay the night"

"of course, stay as long as you need" that night i fell asleep held tightly in Nialls arms.

**Flashback Over**

The rest of the story is a couple weeks later i found this place, Ni and i fixed it up. now ive been living here for almost 5 years. yup thats right i have the glamourous life. as far as i know my dad is in prison, they dont know that he had a kid so im on my own the only person i trust is my best friend Niall Horan.

i make good money, begging on the streets of new york and because im a kid people are super generous. i make probably 20 dollars an hour, but Niall brings me food so i only have to worry about fixing up my house. About 2 months ago i bought a small tv and a mattress. (i mooch electricity off the neighbors with an extention cord) since i cant get a cable guy in here all i can do is watch movies, but im not complaining. this is the life.

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