Prologue ★

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"I hate you!" Harry Styles screamed at his bandmate, Louis Tomlinson.

"Feeling's mutual!" The older lad yelled back. The other members of One Direction, Liam, Niall, and Zayn were sitting on the stairs, watching as their "best mates" screamed insults at each other. Their two bandmates screaming and insulting one another wasn't exactly abnormal. Everyday it seemed one does something to set the other off.

Like today, Louis forgot to put the cap back on the toothpaste and Harry blew up on him. Harry and Louis never liked one another. From the moment they met, all they could do was disagree. Harry thought Louis was childish and Louis thought Harry was too uptight. They had a verbal fight atleast once a day and a physical one every now and then. Today was their first verbal fight of the day.

They had been fighting for exactly 3 hours and 29 minutes. Niall counted. About an hour earlier, Liam got fed up with it and made a call to Simon Cowell. He told him of the situation and Simon agreed to a meeting that day. Liam was just waiting for the fighting to cease, so he could tell them to get their arses in the limo to go see Simon. So far, things weren't going as planned.

"No Louis, I don't think you understand how much I despise you. I'd rather cut off my own foot, then be around you for another day!" Harry spat. Louis scoffed, "And when you do, I'll tell you where you can stick that foot." Harry lunged at Louis, only to be pulled back by Zayn, who had heard enough of the two.

"Alright, that's it! We're meeting with Simon right now!" Zayn yelled pulling Harry out the door to waiting limo. Liam grabbed Louis, doing the same. Niall ran behind them. The ride was quiet with Louis and Harry glaring at each other the entire time. The limo ran over a pothole causing Louis' foot to bump Harry's.

"Stop kicking me!" Harry exclaimed as his eyes widened with annoyance.

Louis blinked twice in disbelief and tilted his head as he glared back, "We ran over a pothole, it's not my fault."

"You could have prevented your foot from hitting mine!" Harry sneered..

"Shut the hell up!" Niall screamed. It immediatly went silent because Niall never yelled at anyone. They arrived a few minutes later and climbed out of the limo. They quickly made their way to Simon's office where they were asked to wait for a moment. The way the boys sat down, Harry ended up falling into a seat next to Louis. "Get away from me." Louis muttered.

"I'm not sitting on the floor." Harry quietly growled back.

"I don't care where you sit as long as its far away from me." Louis glared through the corner of his eyes.

Zayn closed his eyes in annoyance, "I swear to God, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna kick both of your ars-" He was cut off by the receptionist saying Simon was ready to see them.

A few moments later, they were all sitting in front of the man, who had made them the biggest boy-band in the world. "Now I understand that, Louis and Harry have been disagreeing quite a bit lately?" He asked.

Louis exploded. "Its his fault! So what if I forgot to put the cap for the toothpaste on!? He's so anal about everything I'm sick of it! If he doesn't like it, he can buy his own!" Louis exclaimed.

Harry glared, "Oh believe me, I will be buying my own. I don't need your germs, ya' twat."  

"I'm a twat!? Whose fault was it that we almost got arrested for public nudity!?" Louis screeched as he leaned over in his chair.

Harry was furious at this point. It was Louis' fault! He had hid all of his clothes, while they were all out shopping for new outfits for a signing. A policeman had threatened Harry to find some clothes or be arrested. "Yours! You hid my clothes!" Harry pointed at him accusingly,

"Enough!" Simon yelled slamming his fists down on his desk, making them all jump. "I've had all I can take! You two need to start getting along, before you completely tear this band apart!" Louis and Harry were silently staring at the ground, knowing Simon's words were true.

Harry slowly looked up, "There's absolutely no way Louis and I could get along. We hate each other and always will."

Simon chuckled, "Oh, you two will get along and I have the most brilliant way to ensure this happens."

The boys all raised their eyebrows and Liam spoke up, "How?"

Simon smiled as if he knew something about theirselves, they didn't. "For the next two weeks, Harry and Louis will be staying someplace...different."

Louis' eyebrows scrunched up, "What do you mean somewhere different?"

"For the next two weeks, Harry and Louis will be staying on a deserted island. Alone."

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