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When I was lying there in the VA hospital with a big hole blown through the middle of my life, I started having these dreams of flying. I was free. Sooner or later though you always have to wake up... They can fix a spinal if you got the money but not on vet benefits not in this economy. A VA check and 12 bucks will get you a cup of coffee. I'm what they call waitlisted. 

Jake Sully opened his eyes as the light turned green signalling that it was safe to cross. He pumped the wheels on his chair sending it forward as he made his way to his home. Most of the people around him wore masks to filter out the pollutions. Jake wasn't wearing one, however. 

I became a Marine for the hardship. To be hammered on the anvil of life I told myself I could pass any test a man could pass. 

Jake Sully sat on the bed of tiny apartment. He began taking off his pants revealing his thin, skinny legs as the tv in the background played on how they brought back another extinct animal. Jake remembered the time when his legs were muscular, when they could carry him for miles. Now these legs couldn't take him anywhere. 

Let's get it straight upfront. I don't want your pity. You want a fair deal you're on the wrong planet. The strong prey on the weak. It's just the way things are. And nobody does a damn thing. All I wanted in my sorry-ass life was a single thing worth fighting for.

Jake now in a bar watched with envy at the football players running on the screen. His attention was drawn away from the screen when he saw a women get smacked across the face by a guy. He slowly wheeled over toward them and once he was close enough, he pulled the guy's bar stool out from under him. Jake and the guy both hit the ground, Jake on top punching his face. However, the guy quickly got the upper hand as Jake couldn't move as fast. 

He was thrown out the back in a big puddle. Jake rolled on his back and started into the polluted sky. As he shouted drunkenly to the sky, he was approached by two men in suits. They stared down at him. "You Jake Sully?" One of them asked. Jake merely looked at them before telling them to piss off. "It's about your brother." That got Jake's attention. 

The strong prey on the weak. A guy with a knife took all Tommy would ever be, for the paper in his wallet. The concern of the suits was touching. Tommy was the scientist in the family. He was the one who thought getting shot light years out into space would give us answers. Me- I was just another dumb grunt getting sent to someplace I was gonna regret.

Jake stared down as the body of twin brother, Tommy. He listened as the suits talked about having him take over Tommy's contract. With a heavy heart he signed some papers and watched as they burned his brother's body. 

"However, things changed when I bumped into a girl a few days before the ship went out. She had been in training with Tommy. Tommy tutored her apparently. She was a beautiful redheaded. She was a shy one and a bit socially awkward, but I found it cute. 


Faith sat in one the most uncomfortable chairs in the hospital. She tried her best to sit still but she was excited. She was finally joining her mother in Pandora. Faith had to stay on Earth when her mother went to Pandora as she was too young for the cryo-sleep. Faith was left in the hands of her Aunt Sandra and her cousin Liam. 

They didn't agree with her and her mother's work. They were very religious saying that we had turned our backs on the Lord and we were going to Hell and all that. Faith jumped at the opportunity to join the Avatar Programme to get away and to join her mother.

While Faith's mother studied plants Faith always enjoyed animals more and thus took zoology. Faith struggled a lot due to her blindness. She was treated like everyone else, but she couldn't learn like everyone else. If Faith could've slapped her professor she would've. Who asks a blind person to read from a textbook? Luckily, she had help. 

The smell of bleach and other disinfect sprays soon flooded the room. Faith let out a small cough at the strong smell. "You alright?" A familiar voice rang out. Faith turned her head in the direction of the voice. The voice sounded like Tommy's but at the same time it was different. "I'm fine." Faith told them. "Uh I'm down here." Faith concluded it was a man that spoke. "Oh, sorry um.." Faith struggled to find the right words. 

She cursed her socially awkward self. "You can't see, can you?" The man said with realization in his tone. Faith nodded. "I'm sorry but you sound so familiar like a friend of mine." Faith told him. "Your probably thinking of Tommy. He's, my brother." He replied. Faith then realized who this was. "Oh my gosh! Your Jake! Tommy told me about you!" Faith spoke. "How did you know him?" Jake asked. 

"He helped me with my studies and goodness did I need it! The language is a real struggle to learn." Faith said opening up as she found common ground. "Wait a minute, are you the girl he said that called their teacher a fat moron when they meant to say how are you?" Jake asked with a chuckle. Faith gasped and put her face in her hands in embarrassment. "I can't believe he told you that! We swore never to speak of it." Jake laughed. Before Jake and Faith could continue their conversation, a doctor came in calling for Faith. Faith stood up and reached out towards the direction of Jake. Jake took her hand.

"I guess I will see you on Pandora Jake. Bye!" Faith said before dropping his hand and headed with the doctor. Jake watched her go with a small smile. He heard the stories of how dangerous Pandora was and he vowed right there to protect Faith on Pandora no matter what. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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