2. Once more

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"Grace.... what the fuck was that?!" you crash onto the backstage couch after your succesful show. Grace shifts over for you and bites her lips cheekily.
"Right??? And lord did they treat you well!"

You smile as you throw all the dollar bills into your bag and light a cigarette. You feel energized, tipsy and...horny.

You turn to Grace.
"There was this one guy...with the mask? Have u seen him?"-" Fuckin weirdo babes...I had my eyes on Mr. Mustache all night, mmmmm. He sure knows how to take care of a woman..." Both of you are now giggling as she tells u about all the unholy things she'd let him do to her.

As you're playing with your lighter you think of Ghost again. His eyes. His voice. How he carefully...respectfully moved your hands off him with his own big ones. 

Wait, were you crossing a line there? You could already tell that he wasn't really enjoying it and still you sat down on his lap. But he let you...And for a second he also seemed to enjoy.......Fuck.

You should go apologize.

It's a part of you that wants to see him again in general, the mysterious masked man, but now after thinking about it all again you actually feel kind of bad.

You put the cigarette between your lips and get up, grabbing your coat.
"Where ya going?" Grace asks you, smiling. You check yourself out in the mirror, then turning to her you ask "How do i look?" -"Ummm...trick question? Fabulous--" "No no...I mean...thank you but...Like....Drunk? Drained? Or still sexy and....you know...like..."

Grace's mouth falls open and her eyes widen as she stares at you.

"YOU...YOU WANT TO TAKE HIM HOME TONIGHT! YOU LITTLE NAUGHTY-" -"Grace stop! I just want to sincerely apologize to someone and don't want him to think that i'm just a drunk stupid girl...I want him to know that I mean it!"

Grace nods, knowing where this will go already.

"Girl you look good. Breathtaking. Now go look for the fucking skeleton man of yours you tiny weirdo."

You roll your eyes at her (lovingly) as you put your cigarette in the ashtray, leaving to the birthday table once more.

Red Rooms I Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now