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"Good morning."

Walking to the bathroom, she freshens up and picks out her outfit of the day.

"Nice, now let's get this done."

Walking, she reached her destination.

The table is always full of food and she would have breakfast then start her study session.

She can walk through walls. Yes.

That's cool and all until she walks to one and ends up in a better place than the one she once called home.

The room has a table and a tea set. There is a giant comfy looking bed that always gets dirty when she touches them.

"Ah, again... Oh- no don't-"

She sits at the table holding a tea cup without her gloves and it gets dirty. Trying to use her hand to wipe it away but it makes a bigger mess and now she's emitting some smoke or powder like stuff.

"Soot again...?"

Yes, she emits soot now. She walks over to get her glove and slide them on.


Resuming to whatever she was doing she continues.

"Why is she so cringe?"

Oh, she read some books. Do not worry, it was a book about something.

"This book is kind of good not gonna lie."

Despite her knowing full well about her status and name she still speaks in a normal speech.

"This is legit full of cap."

And she also speaks in slang with those confusing and complicated words.

"I'm done with this b s I'm not reading something that is literally dog water."

And there it is again. B s which translates to bullshit. She has a nag for not cussing much and rather say the letters. B s

"Okay, this is cool this is cool. This thing looks Gucci."

And that.

"I studied a lot today. I learn about pretty much everything."

The girl makes her way to freshen up again as per schedule.

Washing up and picking her outfit.

She comes outside to be greeted by a clean room.

"It do be like this sometimes huh."

And continues her routine.

Before we continue, that girl you are following there is.


She's an ordinary shadow master with no living doll. Special treatment because her living doll just doesn't arrive and she's near her debut too.

She has done nothing but read at least 10 thick books every day.

Since she doesn't have a living doll one of the living dolls that is her face would be here every time but they will be sent away to undergo training.

Stranger than familiar {Shadow House x reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora