~Chapter twelve: trust in your dragon~ (Jenny)

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I smiled, slightly surprised by his answer. "I bet he's really frightened now." I then turned a bit, and let my head fall back so I could look at the ceiling. "What are you going to do about it?"

Once again, Hiccup shrugged, a small smirk placed on his lips. "Probably something stupid."

"That's a start," I nodded. "But you've already done that."

And suddenly, his face lit up in a way that had become all too familiar to me. "Then something crazy."

I smirked. "That's more like it."


Spark and I made our way to the arena, not bothering to be discreet when passing over the village, as just about everyone had gone to the dragon's nest. I landed, just barely in hearing range as I slid off Spark's neck.

"If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle." I heard one -I assumed to be Fishlegs- scoff.

"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon." I walked under the grated gate, to see Tuffnut close his fist in front of Hiccup's face. "It's me."


"I love this plan." I crossed my arms across my chest, raising a brow at Snotlout's sudden kindness.

Hiccup backed up, still not noticing my presence "I didn't..."

"You're crazy." Ruffnut pulled Hiccup closer. "I like that."

"Okay, I never want to have to see that again." I shook my head in disgust, gaining the attention of the other teens. Hiccup smiled, using me as an excuse to move away from Ruffnut, and coming to my side.

"Jenny," He greeted with a smile, ignoring the stunned looks from the others. "For a minute there I thought you changed your mind."

I smirked and shook my head. "Never."

Hiccup turned to face the group, side-stepping so that I was in view. "Okay, gang, this is Jenny," he paused, his smile wavering for a moment. "She's the-"

"The Night Rider..." Fishlegs gushed, his jaw falling open. "Y-you I-"

I held my hand up to stop him, before he went off on a rant. "Please. We have bigger matters on our hands."

Astrid narrowed her eyes, pulling her ax out and causing the others to back away from her. "Why did you bring her here, Hiccup?" she growled.

I rolled my eyes, pushing her ax back into her. "I'd love to do this with you again, but like I said: we have more important matters on our hands then you getting your tunic in a bunch."

"Okay," Hiccup drawled, doing his best to force a chuckle and defuse a bit of Astrid's unhinged anger. "Lets get to work."

He moved to approach the Monstrous Nightmare enclosure, while the rest of us fell into line. "The best way to get to that nest is the dragons. They know where it is, and only they can find the exact location," he paused. "But the only way we can go with them...is to ride them."

"Wait..." I heard Fishlegs whisper, as though suddenly regretting joining in on this plan.

"Jenny," Hiccup looked at me, seeming desperate. I sighed and stepped forward.

"Riding a dragon is all about trust," I stated, eyeing the bunch of them. "If there's no bond between a dragon and rider, they can't trust that you won't accidentally steer them into a sea stack."

"I'd like to steer into your sea stack," Snotlout wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making me scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"First of all," I stepped forward and took his hand in mine. "I would rather barf up sea slugs than have anything to do with you." I pulled his hand back behind him, forcing him to the ground. "And second of all, I suggest you pay attention, before you run yourself and your dragon into the ocean. And believe me, I won't be the one to save you."

Astrid smirked a bit as I stepped back, releasing Snotlout, and I swear I almost heard her whisper. "Okay, I like her now."

Hiccup smiled and pulled the lever to the enclosure as I stepped aside, stepping back from the door, drawing the Monstrous Nightmare out of its cave. It blew steam from its nose, stepping into the ring, calmed by Hiccup's outstretched hand- focused on him. Snotlout nervously reached for a spear laying near his foot, most likely a force of habit. I caught his eye, glaring, causing him to drop the spear and stand up straight.

Hiccup slowed to a stop in front of the teens, with the Nightmare inches from his outstretched hand. He reaches over and grabs Snotlout's trembling hand.

"Wait! What are you-"

"Relax. It's okay... it's okay."

Hiccup replaced his outstretched hand with Snotlout's, putting him in control of the massive beast. The Nightmare snorted, but remained calm. Snotlout, by contrast, chuckled nervously- a terrifying yet amazing feeling overcoming him. The others watched, spellbound.

"Where are you going?!" Snotlout demanded as Hiccup turned and walked away, making his way over to me, where I stood, leaning against a wall.

Hiccup pulled a bundle of rope from a supply box, handing me two bundles. "You're going to need something to help you hold on."


Despite the reluctant attitudes from each teen, they all agreed to listen to the two of us, especially when it came to dragons. Eventually, with my help, Hiccup had placed each of his friends on the different dragons, and I had to hand it to him, they all paired perfectly together. Fishlegs was set with the Gronkel, Astrid with the Nadder, and the twins with the Zippleback, and of course, Snotout with the Monstrous Nightmare, which in my opinion was very fitting.

"All right," I placed my hands on my hips, my expression serious. "This nest is no joke. The entire thing is run by this massive level three dragon." I explained.

Hiccup nodded, and continued. "Jenny and my priority is getting Toothless. For that to happen, we'll need you guys to distract the dragon. Then once Toothless is free we have to take the big one down."

Everyone nodded, and the plan was set in place.

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