~Chapter five: A different kind of Bond~ (Jenny)

Começar do início

"The sun was in my eyes, Astrid. What do you want me to do, block out the sun?" Snotlut defended as he and Astrid ran down another pathway. "I could do that, but I don't have time right now!"

The Nadder tears off after her, knocking down walls in pursuit. She leaps and dives like a highly trained gymnast, though her form was slightly off, though I thought it was much better than the night of the raid. My attention was cut off when I saw a flash of purple off to the left. Spark was waiting for me by the ledge of the cliff. But my eyes were pulled back to the ring when I heard Hiccup's voice.

"They probably take the daytime off. You know, like a cat. Has anyone ever seen one napping?" I rolled my eyes. Not the time.

"Hiccup!" Gobber yelled, repeating my thoughts immediately.

"--Hiccup!" Astrid yelled. My eyes followed her movements as Hiccup spined around to see the maze walls collapsing like dominos toward him. Astrid comes flying through the dust and crash-lands on top of him, laying him out in a limb-tangled mess.

"Oooh! Love on the battlefield!" I felt my stomach clinch at that comment, though I didn't know why.

"She could do better." I shook my head and focused on the situation. The Nadder began closing in, emerging through the cloud of dust.

Struggling, Hiccup grunted. "Just... let me... why don't you..."

The Nadder spined around and races back toward them like a Raptor. In desperation, Astrid untangles herself and tries to pull her ax from Hiccup's shield... which is attached to his limp, gangly arm. She planted her foot on his torso and yanked the ax free, still burrowed into the shield. She spinned and swung the ax and shield, scoring a direct hit on the oncoming Nadder's nose. It yelps and scurries off.

"Well done, Astrid." Gobber hobbles off to wrestle the Nadder back into his cave. Hiccup gets to his feet -- all eyes are upon him. He turns to find Astrid glaring at him, winded.

"Oh gods..." I whispered to myself.

"Is this some kind of a joke to you?" Astrid asked harshly. "Our parents' war is about to become ours. The Night Rider has to be stopped, and we're going to be the ones to do it!" she threw her hands up, her glare deepening. "Figure out which side you're on." She took her ax and stomped off. Hiccup watched, obviously stung by her words.


The flight back was deathly quiet, the only thing keeping Spark and I company being the wind around us. My thoughts were all caught up, keeping me from speaking or paying much attention. 'The Night Rider has to be stopped, and we're going to be the ones to do it'. Astrid's words felt like a slap to the face. I clenched my fists, feeling silly and stupid for wanting to cry. This was just my harsh reminder that I and those other teens were on different sides of the archipelago. I had been stupid to think any different. Stupid to think that maybe I could trust someone. Stupid to think that maybe, just maybe I could help them to understand my world. Stupid to even suspect that that Night Fury was in good hands. Stupid-

I suddenly pulled Spark to a halt, and he did as I asked with a surprised yelp. We hovered over the forest for a good while before I finally grasped my dragon's left shoulder lightly, indicating for him to go South.

"Come on bud." I said as he began flying again, this time at a quicker pace due to my instruction. "We're getting that Dragon out of that cove."


I flew back to my hut in a hurry, knowing that Hiccup would go to the cove as soon as he could, and wanting to beat him to it. I gathered together vines and rope, and with the help of Spark, melted together a few pieces of metal to create a pulley system.

How to train your Dragon RiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora