Love Interests/story & reader info

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The reader is mostly inspired by Melanie Martinez, so if i make a Melanie Martinez reference, that's why. reader is also, you guessed it, non-binary and lgbt. i don't own the characters, plot, or you. i only own my OC.


Name: y/n l/n

age: your age

height: 5'9 and a half (i'm so over short y/ns)

personality: Y/n is a cheerful and affectionate person who will do almost anything for a person. they are also observant and manipulative. they know how to play their cards right to get anyone to do their bidding. They are smart and athletic, but hide behind an innocent mask as to not give them away. they tend to gaslight people when their secret is on the verge of getting revealed. friends call them nice and charming, enemies call them evil and manipulative.

specialty: Hearts and Diamonds

sexuality: bi (or pan)

----------------------------Love Interests-----------------------------------

males *season 1*

Name: Arisu Ryohei

Name: Shuntarou Chishiya

Name: Suguru Niragi

Name: Kodai Tatta

Name: Daikichi Karube

Females *Season 1*

Name: Yuzuha Usagi

Name: Rizuna Ann

Name: Hikari Kuina (also let's talk about how she spent all of season 2 up until ep 7 or 8 fighting in a bikini top, jeans, and fucking flip flops)

Name: Saori Shibuki

Name: Kano Mira (she was so fine this season)

Males *Season 2*

Note: i can't guarantee that i will include any of the season 2 characters seeing as we barely see them or they died early on, but i'll try to pull some strings and shit

Name: Genji Kyuma

Name: Sogo Shitara

Name: Takumi Maki

Name: Sunato Banda

Name: Ouki Yaba

Females *Season 2*

Name: Aramaki Urumi

Name: Lisa/ Queen of Spades

Error! Photo cannot be added. please try again later.

Name: Kisaragi Uta (google doesn't have many photos of her and wattpad won't allow me to add the one photo i found of her, soo)

------------------------------------Potential Love interests-------------------

Name: Takatora Samura/Last boss

Name: Segawa Chota









Love Interests and story information: complete. Click here to continue.








Umm i just realised that idk if karube, shibuki, and chota can be love interests, bc y/n may not even meet them bc they are going to be dead, which is why i'm asking a question

Should i make them love interests, and have y/n take their place at the 7 of hearts? bc y/n will only meet them at the beach

or Should i take them off the love interest page, and have y/n meet arisu and usagi at the tunnel game they played? you can decide

are they innocent?// Alice In Borderland x innocent! smart! readerWhere stories live. Discover now