The True Beginning

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At the very beginning of time, a male and female God wanted to create life. However, none of the other Gods wanted to or found it necessary. So, the two made a world together, making all creatures, plants, animals, humans, everything that breathes and lives today. After it was created, they made creatures adapt quickly to the world they now lived on. For centuries, they watched over the world, and continued to make, grow, and create more things for their "Earth". As their world continued to grow and expand, they needed more hands to watch over this Earth. So, they created three more helping hands, but they also gave themselves names, so they knew who they were to the others around them. First, the female God, now named Irene, was in charge of the lives, making sure that birth happened, death happened, and that the circle of life continued. Second, the male God, now named Nelson, was in charge of those who did evil and was to punish them. Third, was a human they bonded with a creature they made called a wolf, named Aaron, who was in charge of the wildlife and the hybrids that walked the Earth. Fourth, was another human they bonded with a massive creature they made called a dragon, named Rose, who was in charge of those who were injured and creating cures for animals and humans alike. Finally, the fifth, who was another human that was bonded with a creature they created called a lion, named Marc, was in charge of the sky and weather whether it was night or day. The five of them lived together in their own space watching over the world keeping everything safe, and calm. As the five watched over the world, Irene started to notice that something was off about the humans and that evil was starting to surge throughout the world.

Irene spent years trying to understand what was happening to the humans and creatures below. She even asked the others to look into it to see if they noticed anything unusual. No one else found anything suspicious but had noticed the surge as well. Each one of them went to ask Nelson about it and he was just as confused. He claimed that the human were starting to gain awareness and were starting an uproar against them. The rest of the Gods were unsure, but it was Rose that knew there was something that Nelson was not telling them. She separated from the Gods and looked through spell books that were created by the first Gods at the beginning of time. She was able to find a spell that would bond her to any living being and be a part of their body until she, herself, broke the spell. Rose learned and perfected the spell and went back to overlooking the world and found a body that would suit her needs well. She performs the spell, bonded to the human, spent time on Earth, and found the source of what was causing the surge in evil. Rose breaks her spell and runs off to tell the others.

Rose comes back to report that she found a woman of great power, like their own, down on Earth. This woman has chosen the path of a witch's coven. Witches were dangerous and had been controlled and kept away from Earth, or so they thought. The witches on Earth call their coven, The Coven of Chaos. A group of witches that praise a mythical being that harbors a powerful magic known only to the Gods. Irene is surprised by this news and wonders how the witches came to know about the magic of the Gods. Rose also informs that the lead witch of the coven is pregnant and that she can feel a connection with the baby, meaning it has a connection with the Gods. Irene is dumbfounded as to why one of the Gods would go down to Earth and get a female pregnant, especially a witch. She thanks Rose, asks for the spell that was used and leaves the room. That night, Irene uses the spell and enters a body down on Earth. She finds the coven and finds the pregnant woman, sleeping, with someone else. She approaches and finds the man to be awake. The man spots her, and she sees that his eyes glow a bright green hew that acts like a spotlight in the dark hut. Irene, looking at the man's eyes, knows who it is that has betrayed her, Nelson. Irene, almost just as quickly as she arrived, leaves the human, and returns to the heavens where the others waited for her to return. Once she came back, she gave Rose permission to tell the others so they could come up with a plan to take care of Nelson. The four knew that Nelson must have been using his abilities for evil and allowed the witches in the first place. He had always drawn from the dark but these acts against them were what was giving him power. He must be planning to overthrow them and take Earth for himself, his own personal playground. Marc and Aaron helped brainstorm some ideas with Rose on how they were going to stop him. Irene knew that their powers and idea would not be enough to stop him, so she knew what needs to happen. She was already a very old Goddess but knew of one last ability that would help them decide what fate must become of them and Nelson.

Irene locked herself away for many years and used her most powerful ability yet. She has an ability that allows her to look through the future and see what their best-case scenario is based on their current situation. She weighed all the options and landed on one future, though it would take centuries more, it has the best outcome yet. Irene comes back and finds Rose, Aaron, and Marc to be much older. They are Gods, so never really die, but she can tell it's been some time.

"Apologizes, my children, I didn't mean to take that long. But I have found a solution.", the others gathered around Irene and listened to what she had to say.

"The path that needs to be taken is we must bond Nelson in human form and restrict his abilities. This take will be hard, almost impossible, and could kill us, but I know what we must do to preserve ourselves. Rose has learned a spell that allows us to be in a human's body. There is a more powerful one that makes us spirits who find bodies on earth to spend eternity in. However, humans have a shorter life span than us, so we would have to find new a body every eighty to ninety years.", the others look at Irene in shock but understanding. They know what must be done. Irene puts Marc in charge of watching over the witch and her pregnancy. It happened to be that this pregnancy was very early, and they still had eight months to go until they unleash their plan. They needed Nelson to be with his wife for the birth of their child so that they could bind him in that human form. Irene, Rose, Marc, and Aaron continued their duties and ensured that they never acted differently because Nelson was too aware of how the others acted and would know if they were acting odd. Soon enough, time had flown by, and the eight months were up. Marc, as he watched over the woman, was able to figure out that her name was Agatha, a powerful witch that has dabbled in dark magic. Irene also found out that Agatha was having a little girl, one with powers none of them were ready for, Chaos Magic.

For this plan to work, the four others have to sync up with and place their powers and spirits into four babies' bodies at the same time they bond Nelson in his bones. They knew their window was coming up, as Nelson disappeared about ten minutes ago, and Marc said Agatha was in labor at the same time. They gathered and knew they needed to find their new bodies and prepare themselves. After finding the babies they deemed worthy, they each performed the spell and felt their bodies bond to those children. Right after, they heard a scream of pain, it was Agatha, she just had the baby. Irene looked at Agatha and saw that this was the moment, Nelson was mesmerized by his daughter. Irene, with sad eyes, looks to others and nods slowly. The others match her expression, and all raise their hand and arms. In each of their hands is energy and colorful, swirling, magic. Irene has purple, swirling, yet elegant, magic covering her fingers, and moving down her arms. Rose is holding white balls of energy that crackle and look similar to vines growing, wrapping around her fingers. Marc's body is surrounded by blue energy, similar to lightning, and crackles, same as Roses'. Finally, Aaron had no powers like that, but being half wolf, he has the heightened ability to make the group a pack and gives them the strength of a pack. He goes over the Rose and Marc, the closest to each other, places his hands on their shoulders and allows energy to course through them while his eyes glow a bright blood-red color. All three of them could feel their power growing, so they check on Nelson, sync their breath, heartbeats, and motions, and start their spell. They looked down to earth and watch as their magic surrounds and encases Nelson in colorful swirls and sparks. They could hear his screams as his bones broke and were reformed in the human's body. As the last of his bones broke, they were starting to disappear, as the other babies were being born. Irene was last and watched as Nelson, collapsed to the ground, stuck, weak, powerless, and trapped forever.

Since that day, the four Gods, that remained, switched bodies every ninety years, or each time their human died, and continued to keep the world safe from Nelson's original reign of terror. Irene was able to keep track of the baby's life and found her to be the most feared and powerful witch to live and found she learned the secret to living forever as they had. Not only did they have Nelson's bloodline to fear, but his daughters' eternal switching of bodies every hundred years. However, the time of both of their lives was coming to an end, as the future Irene saw, was starting here and now, with a couple deeply in love...

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