"Erwin? You're back?"

A loud voice interrupted the monologue. Knuckles reluctantly turned his head and murmured something disapprovingly. A tall, tanned man with a lot of visible scars and a police uniform, walked down the steps and approached the two friends. Zaceed stare was filled with curiosity, and Erwin's with affectionate sort of hatred. It was a weird combination, but Zaceed didn't question.

"What d'you want?" hissed Erwin, turning to the tall policeman.

"Nothing, really," he replied. "Didn't think you'd come back this quickly. Pity... Anyways, I opened a café! Wanna become an investor?" He added enthusiastically, omitting the fact that he hasn't got it yet.

"Fuck no."

"Why not?" There was a note of offense in his voice.

"Firstly, I am not planning on spending any money on you. Secondly, I don't want to lose money the day I come back home."

"Oh, you're so supportive," said the man ironically, crossing arms on his chest.

"Look, even if I wanted to, and I obviously don't, I can't afford it. Conrad is no longer... around, so I gotta be more careful."

"Right. Anyways, who's your friend?" He changed the subject, looking curiously at Zaceed.

"I'm Zaceed Skengerton, Erwin's boyfriend!" he introduced himself, grinning.

Yesterday he called himself that, as a carefree joke. They even pretended to be a couple in front of cops. Zaceed didn't realize that it was a wrong thing to say to the tall policeman, until it was a touch too late. He shot an apologetic look, when he saw a streak of panic appearing on Erwin's face.

"That's interesting," murmured the cop, "considering that I am his fiancé."

"Seriously? Erwin, you never told me you're gay!" Zaceed said quickly, emphasizing that his earlier words were a joke.

"That's because I am not," Knuckles said.

A faint blush lingered on his cheeks. Though, it was more likely to be caused by anger, than by embarrassment.

"And I am not your fiancé," he spat, looking bitterly at the man.

"You are literally the one who proposed."

Erwin let out a short laugh, regaining his usual scornful manner. "Yeah, because I needed money, and that business operation just happened to include marriage."

"You could have asked anyone," said the policeman. "You could have picked Heidi."

"She's not a guy," Erwin pointed out. "And the entire point was that it had to be a homosexual relationship. With me."

"You are literally friends with Vasquez fucking Sindacco! You had a chance and you blew it... And you've got other options too! David, Nicollo, San..."

"San is married. So is Nicollo, though I don't think that matters anymore. He was making out with Silny the other day..."

"Fuck, you could've chosen Albert Speedo, for all that matters!" The man ignored Knuckles's interruption. "He's a criminal like you. And I'm in the police. The choice seems simple."

"Hell no. Greg, I prefer you over him, and that's saying something. Besides, you seemed quite excited about that 'proposal', as you call it."

"What can I say, I like being in the center of attention." Gregory shrugged and looked at confused looking Zaceed. "Sorry about that. I'm Gregory Montanha, the best policeman in the entire Los Santos."

"How modest," murmured Erwin, while Zaceed shook hands with Montanha.

"This little fuck was annoying me from day one," he said. "Even when I was still the chief of police..."

"That sounds like a crazy piece of fiction, dear officer," scoffed Erwin. "Or like it was in another lifetime. Though, not really. I think you're equally fucked up, no matter what lifetime you'd be in."

"...and still does," continued Gregory, grunting begrudgingly. "Asshole. You know, I think he has something for people working in departments. This guy flirted with half of the PD, a third of the DOJ, and even some workers of the EMS. Though, he seems awfully close with a bunch of criminals as well," he sighed, with a touch of regret in his voice. "Honestly, I don't know why I even agreed to his love declaration..."

"Bitch, you literally fall for everything that has long, blond hair and large tits. Don't talk to me about being a slut."

"Well, you've got neither, and yet here we are."

Golden eyes immediately met with the deep, brown ones. The dangerous glare seemed to be challenging Gregory to a silent duel. It was difficult to tell whether Erwin was angry, flattered, offended, or something in between. The intense, amber gaze penetrated Gregory's soul, but he has not backed off. Instead, he moved closer. This moment could end in a variety of ways, anywhere from a physical fight, to violent kissing.

Zaceed inched away slowly, wanting to give the two men some space. Who knows, maybe his unfortunate comment will end in something positive. Or at least it might solve the complicated question of Erwin's and Gregory's relationship. Though, seeing the vivid, almost passionate look on both faces, he had an idea how this little standoff might end. I think I'll like it here, he thought, grinning to himself. Los Santos is clearly a city of complexities and secrets.

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