The Mortician's Daughter

Start from the beginning

In the midst of it all, Madam President had called Siren three times and when she didn't answer, she called Drakon instead to drop even more onto the Hero's plate after she and the partner she didn't want wrapped up the crime scene and finished their patrol. So, at six in the fucking morning, Theodora flew from Musutafu to Tokyo, and then the hag sent her straight to some daytime talk show first thing. She spent over an hour gushing about how thrilled she was to be working with such strong, dedicated, kariólis.

But of course, the publicity hadn't been all President Shimura wanted, and Theo had been left to jet to HPSC headquarters immediately after the show.

'I want you to look into a string of attacks that we believe are connected."

That part hadn't annoyed Theodora. The assignment fit the agreement that she and Endeavor had agreed on when the Commission practically shoved them together despite the pair's objections. Crisis negotiation and criminal profiling would be left to Siren, incident resolution and day-to-day safety to Endeavor.

But the Commission still wanted eyes on the Flame Hero to see how dependable he was, and it was their President's barrage of questions on the previous night's conflict that had kept Theodora so long. Shimura wanted details always and someone to clean up her hot-blooded Hero's messes sometimes.

Enji Todoroki was rude and aggressive damn near constantly and it bled into his professional life so much that Theo didn't even want to know what the man was like at home. Some of the Flame Hero's fans loved it. They thought his take-no-prisoners-nor-no-bullshit approach was his selling point. Others, especially the media, questioned his capabilities for it despite his overwhelmingly positive percentage of case resolution.

Madam President refused to admit that she was worried about the future of the Hero world to anyone that she decided didn't need to know and fuck the legally binding nondisclosure agreement Siren had been forced to sign if she didn't want them to lose her Japanese Hero License.

The Commission was playing dirty and Theodora knew it, hated it, but she'd do no one in the world any good if she got herself thrown into Tarturus for running her mouth. She was ready to stew in her own annoyance the rest of her flight, but her earpiece chirped once, twice.

"Χαλαρώστε παπά" Theo answered, knowing without looking who was on the other side of the call. Her Papa had already texted her four times since the Japanese morning talk show had aired despite their seven-hour time difference. "You worry too much."

"You're halfway across the world now," Theron argued from Athens. "And I'd worry a lot less if you ever ended up back at your Grandmother's house as you should have, but the family tracker shows you've been in Tokyo since dawn. What did the bitch want this time?"

"Baba," Theo chuckled through her mouthpiece, the tension melting away with the sound of his steady voice. "I thought you were supposed to be the diplomatic one."

"I am, but I'm a father and a husband first, and I don't like people that try to use my family."

"I agreed to be used, didn't I?"

"Unfortunately, but that doesn't mean I have to like it."

Theo pulled up the same tracking app her family had agreed to use the day she went Pro to find her Oyaji at the agency and her Baba at home. "Shouldn't you be preparing for your charity luncheon in Salamina? You should have left by now."

"Shouldn't you be on your way to U.A.?" Her Papa quickly countered. "Looks like you're just now flying over Fujikawaguchiko."

"I'm on my way there now," Theo insisted, beating her wings harder until she could coast along a southern wind. "At least I'm getting my first real assignment from the Commission and thank the gods for it. If I have many more patrols with my new partner I just might lose it."

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