
"You know me too well."

"Is Markle Sparkle going to join us?"

You look over at Mark.

"Do you want to join me and Jackipoo in a game of GTA?"

"No im fine. You go ahead."

You give him a pouting face. He just laughs.

"Fine. Sorry Jack, but my bae doesn't want to play."

"That's ok. We're too pro for him anyway."

You laugh.

"What did he say?"

"Oh nothing love. Just nice things that rhyme."

You laugh and get everything set up.



You and Sean were messing with all the cheats.

"Im going be the whale."

"Wait a whale?"

All of a sudden there was a huge whale in front of you. You couldn't help but laugh. Then the whale jumped up really high, making you laugh even harder.


You laugh again. The whole time you were talking to Jack you were laughing.

"Alright Sean talk to you later."

"See ya."

You look around and notice Mark's not in the room anymore. You get and look for him. You can't find him anywhere. There's no note, no text, nothing. You call him. He answers, but doesn't say anything.

"Mark where are you?"

"I left."

"I know you left that's why I'm calling. Where are you?"

"Im somewhere. Ill talk to you later. It's dangerous to use your phone and drive." He hung up.

You look at you phone.

"What? I wonder what's wrong with him."

You stared at your phone for a while, trying to think of what to do.

"GPS!" You turn on your gsp and try to locate Mark. It turns out he was at the park. You leave and head to the park.


You get out of your car and look for Mark. You see him sitting on a bench all by himself.

"Mark? What's wrong with you?" You sit next to him on the bench.

"Nothing," He says harshly.

"Obviously something's wrong. What is it?"

"Do you like Sean?"

"What? No of course not. Why would you say that?"

"They way you guys act together. And when he kissed you. I know there's something between you two."

"Mark thats absurd. I'm just his friend and he has a girlfriend."

"Yeah, but she's in korea. She'd never know."

"Never know what?"

"That she's being cheated on."

"You've got to be kidding. Why would I ever cheat on you? We've had this discussion before Mark. I don't know why you can't over the fact that not everyone is like YOUR EX OK. I'm leaving. I'm done. Either you get it through your head that I really fucking love you or..." You get up and leave.


You were about to start the engine when you got a call. You tried to calm yourself before you answered the phone.


"Is this (y-y/n)."

"Yes. Is this Alice?"

She laughs. "Yes."

"Hi Alice. What's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you that i stopped hanging out with those girls. They were always so mean to me."

"That's great. Hey are you busy?"

"No why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today."

"Yes! I mean yeah that would be cool."

"Ok then, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Ok bye."


You hung up and laughed.


You opened the door to your apartment building. "And here we are."

"Wow I'm actually in my two favorite people's house." She was so shocked. Just like you were when you went into Jordan's and Mark's house.

"Hey do you want to record a video with me?"


"Yeah why not?"

You lead her to the recording room.


"This is my desk and this is Mark's. Your going to use my stuff. Is thats ok?"

"Yes." She was so excited, it was so cute.


"Hello everybody it's (yt/n) and I'm here with a very special young lady. This is Alice. Say hi Alice."

"H-hello," she said quietly.

You laugh. "Today Me and Alice are going to play Minecraft. Let's begin shall we."


The longer you played the more comfortable Alice got. She started to talk more and interact more. It was awesome.

'I really like this girl. I feel so bad for her though.'

Your phone rings.


"(Y/n) Im so sorry I-"

"Mark I'm busy right now. I'm in the middle of a recording. I'll talk to you when you get home."

You hang up. Alice was looking at you.

"I-is everything ok?"

"Yeah Alice. Everything's fine. Are you hungry?"

She nods.

"Well come on. Let's go eat."

Deja vu (Markiplier x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz