Daniel shoved Emily to the floor, she cried in pain as she fell flat on the floor with a thud. He pointed his gun to her as she struggled to sit up, slowly backing against the wall.

"You are going to kill your brother over a girl" he said looking at me as his gun remained pointed at her "she isn't some girl, she is the most important thing to me, something you will never understand" I said shaking my head. "What about family Aiden, what about me" he asked "You aren't a brother Daniel, I hate to say it but everything you have done to me, to her" I said as I pointed to Emily, his face was full of anger and hatred.

"Well you haven't been much of a brother either Aiden or a very good boyfriend, look what you did here, she could have been going on with her life if it weren't for you and now you will have to live with her death on your hands, that would be better then killing you I think" he said anger in is voice.

"I always looked up to you Daniel, I always wanted to be just like you until I found about you and Dad and the gang, I decided I wanted to be my own person but I wasn't even allowed that and yes you are right, I am the worlds worst boyfriend" I spat out at him, I looked down at Emily, she was just watching, tears rolling down her defeated face. "Daniel kill me but leave Aiden alone" she cried "Please, he hasn't done anything to you" she continued but he ignored her.

Daniel took one look at her and the world seemed to slow as he pulled the trigger, the bullet flying though the air and into the lower left side of her abdomen, she jerked back against the wall, colour draining from her face and slowly slumped down, I started to run towards her as Daniel lunged at me, throwing us both to the floor, Scott ran in towards Emily, pulling out his phone and calling for help.

Daniel tried to shoot at him so I knocked the gun from his hand, he gripped my shirt in his hand as he punched me in the face, over and over, breaking my nose and splitting my lip, I tried to move my head before he threw another punch to my face but my head was heavy and the more I tried to move it, the heavier it became, he pulled me up and pushed me against the wall, his arm pushing against my throat, I heard Emily whimper and looked over to her.


I could hear her crying my name as Scott held her, smoothing her hair and holding her hand, her eyes looked over to me, the pressure on my throat was getting harder, I was struggling to breath but I I had to fight this, I couldn't let Emily see me die and I wasn't going to die.

I looked into Daniels eyes and saw nothing but anger, I started thrashing around, managing to knee Daniel in the groin, he fell down in pain, I kicked him hard in the stomach, he grunted in pain and returned the kick and hit me hard in the shin, I slumped to the floor in pain as Daniel got up and walked over to his gun, picking it up and pointing it to me .

"Now you die Aiden" he growled at me, his hand on the trigger, I closed my eyes and waited for bang of the gun, I heard 3 gunshots and waited for the pain but nothing came.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Daniel laying in a bloody pool on his luxurious crème carpets, 3 bullet holes in his body, his breathing was shallow and coming out in gasps, I looked over at Scoot holding the gun in his hands, a look of anger on his face, he promptly dropped the gun when he heard Emily whimper, going to her side.

I got up and went to Emily, holding her in my arms, I looked down at her clutching her stomach, Scott took off his shirt and gave it to me, I moved Emily's hands away and applied pressure to stop the bleeding.

"You can tell me you love me yourself" I said with a sad smile, she looked up at me,her eyes red and puffy from crying and gave me a small smile "Stay with me Emily I love you" I said as she started closing her eyes.

"Aiden..." she began saying but was cut off by the medics that ran through the door with Jason following behind.

"Sir, move away now" a medic said "I cant just leave her" I said, my voice angry.

Scott and Jason came over and pulled me off of her, the medics put her on a stretcher and carried her out of the room, I followed next to them holding Emily's hand, she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes, she looked so tired,her clothes covered in blood,her face red,lip bleeding, dried blood in her hair and her hand was becoming limp in my hand and I felt my heart breaking. "I love you Aiden" she said as she squeezed my hand.

"Emily, don't close your eyes, please" I begged her "I'll be okay" she mumbled, her eyes opening and closing slowly. When we got outside, the medics put her in the ambulance, I climbed in with them "We will follow behind you" Scott said and ran off to my car with Jason.

I sat next to Emily and gripped her hand, the medics were trying to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on her abdomen, she had a mask on her face to help her breathing, I rubbed small circles on the back of her hand "I love you Emily and I am so sorry I let you down" I chocked out, she looked so pale and frail and I couldn't stop blaming myself.

I felt so guilty as I looked at her frail body, it was all my fault, this was all my fault and if she lived she would never forgive me and how could I blame her, I would never forgive myself, how could I have been so selfish, how could I let the girl I love possibly die.

 A/N: Let me know if there are any mistakes, spelling or grammatical please :D Thank you so much!! most of these chapters are unedited :P

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