"Why," Genesis sighed comically, relief playing on his striking features. "Our children are growing up so fast, aren't they?"

Luciel's head snapped to him, his eyes bulging incredulously before sending a punch his way. Genesis caught his fist with a grunt. Their eldest wasn't the type to play-fight, his fist was indeed heavy.

"Yulia!," a certain someone interrupted. Luciel groaned under his breath and muttered a string of light profanities when they spotted Daniel approaching their table. The lad didn't seem to notice the stiff expressions they had on and proceeded to sit beside Yulia. "Hi, everyone!"

"That seat is taken," was Luciel's immediate reply.

"By who?," Daniel wondered, eyes scanning the area much to the others' dismay. The lad really couldn't take the hint at all, leaving Luciel no choice but to chase him away. Genesis wordlessly picked on his fries and watched the amusing situation unfold.

Everyone sensitive enough could tell Yulia wasn't comfortable with Daniel's presence. It wasn't her intention to ignore him, but to her, he would always be a reminder of her failures and suffocation. The life she was living before Luciel and the others.

"By someone else that isn't you," Luciel sighed. "What do you want, Chen?"

Daniel seemed too shallow to be offended, taking their hostility with little to no mind. "Ms. Shen told us to form a group of five for the upcoming project, but our class lack three more students to group with us."

"By us, you mean?"

"Yulia and I," Daniel grinned. "We're always in groups together. Yulia said she'll be with you since Ms. Shen allowed it. She didn't tell you?"

Something told them Yulia just said that to avoid being grouped with him.

They turned to Yulia with questioning looks. She almost fled in embarrassment, but when she caught Genesis's understanding nod, she spoke sheepishly. "Ah yes, sorry. I was about to ask if you already formed a group yet?"

Luciel gazed at them blankly. "We were just about to ask if we can do the project by threes."

"Ah, then we'll look for someone el-"

"Nope," he quickly interjected. "This is better. I don't like seeing people approach you to take advantage of your academic performance to save them-fucking-selves." He leered at Daniel's direction, causing the younger guy to finally notice the group's hostility.

"I heard you were grouped with them."

Even without direct address, she knew her father was referring to Luciel, Genesis and Elijah. She paused before nodding. "Yes, Pa."

"You'll do well, right?," her father turned to her, his eyes kind and smiling. It was unlike the last time she had seen him. Tears stung the corners of her on the very instant she had looked up to meet his soft gaze. She certainly missed that side of her father.

The older woman ran her hand on Yulia's hair. "You're our treasure, my love. I'm sure you know what makes us happy, right?"

A treasure.

Her worth.

Elijah's words echoed in her mind as she gave her parents a tight-lipped smile and continued with her food. She knew she had been too preoccupied on proving her self-worth to others to the point it had started to diminish, she need not someone tell her that. But hearing it out loud left a bitter taste in her mouth.

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