"I'm more confused than you."

In all honesty, I was confused. I never had a crush on a boy like that before. I had to admit it felt strange when I was around Lo'ak, but that didn't mean anything at all. It was something I hadn't ever experienced before, and that was scary. That scared me. Like I said, I reminded myself, he probably likes Tsireya.

But what if he doesn't? The nagging voice returned. What if it's you he likes?

I was starting to think the little voice in the back of my mind was P'lei. It sure sounded like her, always gossip this and gossip that.

Then he doesn't like anyone. Because it can't be me. Although Tsireya spoke of boys in our clan who had a supposed "crush" on me, I didn't buy it. Plus, if they knew all I could do, they wouldn't like me nearly as much.

Lo'ak said he didn't see you as an outcast. He's your friend despite knowing of your abilities. Isn't that so romantic?

Yep. Definitely some part of P'lei-logic engraved in my brain.

"Y/N!" Kiri exclaimed, snapping in my face. "Hello?!"

"Sorry." I apologized. I tried to blink away my confusion. "Did you say something?"

"YES," she responded exasperatedly, "I asked you how the talk with Lo'ak went yesterday?"

"Oh." Heat seeped into my cheeks just thinking about it. Hadn't he said he liked the way I said his name?

Not now, Y/N! I scolded myself quickly.

"Yeah. Um. It was... pretty normal. Nothing really happened. He just thought that everyone believed him to be an outcast."

"Mm-hm?" said Kiri doubtfully. "That's not all, is it?"

"Like I said, he didn't feel understood. I told him I didn't see him like that. I told him oel ngati kameie." I see you.

"That's so sappy."

I should really introduce Kiri to P'lei.

"It is not!" I defended. "I was trying to make him feel better. He doesn't see himself the way I do."

"Wow. That is sorta cute, the way you talk about him. You should see how defensive you're getting and the way you're blushing right now."

Kiri is just P'lei at this point, you know?

"Moving AWAY from this topic," I announced loudly, "how are you settling into the Metkayina?"

"It's nice. Moving BACK to said topic, do you like Neteyam the way you like Lo'ak?"

"I don't like Lo—"

"Answer the question, Y/N—"

Before I could say anything else, a loud horn blared through the village. My parents, Jake, Neytiri, and the other tribe members must've returned from checking on the Tulkuns! Kiri and I deserted our conversation and dived into the water to meet them. I was for sure going to ask Mom how P'lei was doing.

We emerged from the water near the main meeting area. The people were already assembling, though I could tell from their disturbed looks that something was not right.

"What's going on?" Kiri questioned. "You can do that weird emotion thing, right?"

I surveyed my surroundings warily. "I don't think I need to."

Ao'nung pushed up to the front of the crowd next to us. "Sister!" he hissed. "Did you not hear? Mother's Tulkun was killed by the Sky People!"

I felt my heart drop. "What?" I whispered, hardly daring to believe my ears. "And the calf?"

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