Chapter Thirty-Nine: Confessions

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There was no way Draco was in love with me. He hated me as much as I hated him. Other than that, he was with Katherine.

A slimy bitch who wanted to kill me.

"I've been in love with Moon all this time and I can't stop." he admits, making his way towards the bathroom. "And I never will."

The bathroom door closes behind him as the rest of them all look over at me.


I guess he could've been trying to get out of talking while the veritaserum was still working. I still don't understand how he's in love with me while being with Katherine.

"What are you going to do?" Pansy asks softly.

I had no idea what I was going to do, or if I could do anything at all. Katherine and Draco were still dating and it was obvious that Draco didn't want the truth to get out.

Though it was a little shocking, I couldn't do much about it.

"Moon, let's get out of here." Victoria exclaims, grabbing my arm and motioning for Pansy to open the door. "You don't deserve this right now."

They say their goodbyes before the three of us leave Blaise's room. I didn't mind being in there but the entire energy felt weird in his room.

"We just need a girls day, just us and no Draco or Katherine to ruin our moment." Pansy says excitedly, "Let's skip our lessons for today, we have enough to worry about."

I didn't know what we were going to do, I was just glad I was with the both of them.

"Three Broomsticks?" Victoria questions.

The Three Broomsticks was perfect. We could have butter beer and hang out and talk for a little while before doing something else. Besides, it was one of the only places in Hogsmeade that was actually open because of the death eaters.

In mention of them, I haven't been called to a meeting which was really weird. I knew they had a meeting every week but I was never called in. Did he not want me? It would be too risky for him not to let me go.

What's the point of me just walking around with the death mark on my arm?

I didn't like that I had it on my arm but it wasn't too hard to cover up. I would either use a spell or makeup to cover up the mark.

"Three butterbeers please," Pansy tells the man at the register.

"And we'll be at the booth in the corner." Victoria adds as she throws her arm around me and turns to point to the booth she's talking about.

He nods and turns around to make our drinks before we head over to the booth. It was comfortable but we were the only ones in the store along with the employee.

He looked exhausted as if he hasn't gotten any rest. I mean it wouldn't be hard to imagine with plenty of death eaters terrorizing the Wizarding World.

I watch him ease his way over with the three cups in his hands as he sets them down gently, being careful not to spill.

Pansy hands him the money and tells him to keep the change before taking a sip of her drink.

"So glad we can skip potions, it's been getting more fun but I've been struggling with the Dogsbreath potion. Slughorn said we could make any potion we wanted as long as it was appropriate and I wanted to give it to Crabbe and Goyle." Pansy exclaims, barely getting through her sentences without laughing.

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