"Chapter «5»: Dream meets Benchtrio (plus Simpllumina pt. 2) "

Start from the beginning

"Ignore him," Ranboo says in a stage whisper. "He's just in shock that he's speaking to his idol. Plus, he's scared about having to face you on the field."

"Idol?" Dream asks. Why would anyone look up to a regular 15 year old like him? Sure, that thing he did to catch the Snitch was pretty cool, but it hadn't been planned or anything- he sort of just did it.

"He's not my idol!" Tommy grumbles.

"Keep telling yourself that," Tubbo teases. "Anyways, Dream- your name is Dream, right?- can you help this idiot? He still can't do the spell."

"Sure," Dream says. "And yes, my name is Dream." He steps up to Tommy's side and reaches out. "May I?"

"I don't need your help," Tommy mutters again, but he allows Dream to stand there.

"Try the spell again," Dream says. "So I can see."

Tommy waves his wand at the pillow. "Depulso!"

Nothing happens, but now Dream can see Tommy's mistake. He gently grabs the Gryffindor's hand, which is clenched around his wand. "You're moving your wand wrong. Here, let me show you."

Tommy scowls slightly but doesn't move. Taking that as a go ahead, Dream shows Tommy the correct movement, which is a sweep. After guiding the Gryffindor's hand through it a few times, Dream steps back and demonstrates it himself. He sweeps his wand at the pillow and says, "Depulso!"

The pillow flies away and smacks against the far wall. Tubbo and Ranboo applaud politely.

"Now you try," Dream instructs Tommy. "Make sure to sweep your wand instead of waving. And make sure you focus on what you want to banish." He goes to retrieve the pillow and sets it down on the floor.

Tommy obeys, staring straight at the pillow and sweeping his wand through the air. "Depulso!"

This time, the pillow shoots away, and although it doesn't fly as far as when Dream did it, it's definitely progress. Tommy cheers triumphantly and turns to face Tubbo and Ranboo. "See! I told you I could do it!"

"Yeah, you did," Tubbo says fondly. "Great job, big man."

"Oh, I am just so good at magic," Tommy brags. Dream giggles at the Gryffindor's remark. He finds it amusing how Tommy seems to switch so quickly between self-doubting and extremely confident.

"Totally," Ranboo says, grinning.

Tommy stretches his arms over his head. "I'm starving. Let's go eat lunch."

"You had breakfast 2 hours ago," Tubbo protests. "Surely you don't need to eat again already!"

"What can I say, it takes a lot to be as awesome as me," Tommy says, shrugging. "Come on, big man, let's go. You too, Ranboo."

"You two go ahead," Ranboo says, waving them off. "I'm gonna stay a bit to clean up. It won't take long."

"Okay," Tubbo chirps. He and Tommy jog out of the room.

"I'll help you," Dream offers. He bends down and begins to pick up the various objects scattered across the floor. Ranboo does the same, and they work in silence for a moment.

Finally, Dream decides to break the quiet. "Your friend is very outspoken."

"Who, Tommy?" Ranboo laughs. "Yeah, he is. Don't let it trick you, though. He's actually very sweet at heart."

"I can tell," Dream says. He had noticed how, despite Tommy's snarky remarks, the kid had blushed a few times, and he'd seemed so genuinely excited upon being able to do the spell. Dream assumes the loudness is just an act, and that Tommy really is sweet deep down.

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