
Half an hour later:

Now, sat at the bar, Izzy was like a watch dog. Watching the door belonging to the Queen Vic, she waited for Joan to stride through. She knew she was coming, she just didn't know why she was taking so long to do it.

Suddenly, an amazing, astonishing, gorgeous figure flew through the door like an angel. Swaying and lifting her arms in the most elegant way, she waved to Alfie, who immediately felt all his nerves and worried emotions fade away.

An applause was heard from the crowd as both Alfie and Joan smiled, contentedly. But all Izzy did was roll her eyes. Joan had had Alfie full of nerves and regret for the past hour and a half and then she just turns up like nothing had happened. It annoyed her, a lot, but she was just relieved that she had the audacity to hold it in just so Alfie could have his wedding. Finally.

"Yes! Ladies and Gents, that's what I call an entrance!" Alfie grinned, as he, excitedly, made his way over to Joan, with a bunch of wedding flowers.

Smiling bigger than ever, Joan took the flowers from Alfie and hooked her arm around his. Heading over to the alter, with hearts above their heads, Joan turned her head to look at her husband to be, with a beautiful pink blush noticeable on her face.

Making her way over, closer to the couple, Izzy stood next to Freddie and Jay and waited for Alfie to tell Joan about Felix.

"Awh, I love a wedding" Freddie grinned, watching Alfie, full of happiness.

Izzy then pifted and giggled,

"Too bad you're never gonna have one then, innit"

Freddie turned to look at her confused and asked,


Looking up at him, Izzy answered, an amused grin widely showing on her face,

"Well because all you do is fuck girls and then leave 'em, never once in your life have you ever planned for any of them to stick. You don't care about that part"

"No, it's just because I'm quite fast at moving on. There is enough of Freddie to go around, you know. There is a bunch of baby girls that need a daddy" Freddie smiled to her.

Disgusted by his last sentence, Izzy replied, scrunching up her nose,

"Ew. I don't think you are a...daddy to anyone. Maybe just a sex robot because I believe that no girl has ever begged you to stay"

"Oh, you'd be surprised" Freddie answered, now too scrunching up his nose, in a representation of annoyance.

Reaching the alter, Alfie twisted to Joan and said,

"Now, Joan, I know you're a religious person deep at heart but vicars are hard to come by this time of day. So, instead, I present you our celebrant for the wedding of the year, the one, the only, the honourable, Miss Tara Misu!"

And with that announcement, Felix, as Miss Tara Misu, leaped out of the shadows and shimmied all the way to the flowery alter, everyone applauding her amazing appearance and outfit.

"That is spinning my head in so many ways" Freddie said, with a smile.

"Is that a fella?" Joan asked.

This then made Alfie's nerves come back as her answered, sheepishly,

"Yeah, is that alright?"

Pifting, joyfully, Joan replied,

"I love it"

Landing her eyes on the bride, Miss Tara Misu, astonished, told her,

"You are the most sensational bride I have ever seen. Shall we do this!?"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted, excited.

Getting Alfie's attention, Kat passed him and asked,

"Alfie, can I have a word?"

With another fifteen minutes passing by:

The wedding was back on track and once again, Alfie and Joan stood hand in hand at the alter.

"Alright, you beautiful, beautiful people! The time has come! The hour is now! Let's join these two in unholy matrimony!" Tara announced, smiling.

"Yeah!" Alfie shouted.

"But! Before we begin, let's check to see there's no skeletons hiding in their closets. If anyone knows any reason why this sham-glam wedding can't go ahead...let's hear it" Tara told the crowd.

Stepping forward, an old friend of Joan's came out from the crowd and confessed,

"Erm, actually, yes. I just wanna say...you've been in my life for 53 years...and from the moment I first set eyes on you..."

Starting to stutter, the man turned to Alfie. Helping him, Alfie muttered,

"I knew I was never going to meet anyone as incredible as you."

"Yeah, what Alfie said" He agreed.

Izzy giggled, amused, as she watched Alfie help him remember the speech the man pretended he owned.

Continuing, he added,

"You're my closest friend. My one true companion."

Now edging over to her, he reached for her hands and said, with a contended smile on his face,

"I love you, Joan...and I'd hate myself if I never asked"

The man then began to get on one knee, assistance from Alfie present.

With the man's eyes full of hope and happiness, he asked the beautiful bride,

"Joan, will you marry me?"

With a shocked and timid look on her face, she answered with no hesitation,


With Alfie helping him back up, the two leapt into eachother's arms. Once again, an applause came from the crowd and a shout came from Freddie.

"That is so beautiful!"

Then, with the confirmation of Miss Tara Misu, the two were married and were ready to spend the last of their days with eachother to help, to hold and to love...

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