Part 2

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The following weekend, there was a party at the dorm, it was one of our friend's birthday and we all were invited.

I was already catching feelings for Charlie, he pulled me away from the crowd,
What's wrong?

I want to give you something

And that is

He gave me a little box, I opened it and saw a gold ring in it.


You deserve it

But why?

Because I took your virginity

I had no idea that it's some kind of tradition that the guy that took your virginity has to give you something gold.

Of course, silly me got the wrong intention and thought that he's also catching feelings for me and obviously everything I did for him was all out of love.

This continued for months, he noticed that I caught feelings for him, so one day, he brought me to the same place where he took my virginity. 

Why did you bring me here again?

We need to talk

What's wrong?

We need to stop with what we're doing?


Because I already know

Know what?

That you caught or are catching feelings for me

But....that's normal

I'm not ready for a relationship, I just started this for fun


And I hope you are on birth control
Because I'm not ready to be a dad
And I'm stopping with this
So you can move back to your old room

I stood there not knowing what to do or what to say, we drove back to campus, both of us didn't say a word.

When we arrived back at the dorm, he went to his dorm room and I went to my best friend, my old roommate, Anna, but she was having a lot of fun with her new roommate, so I looked for another one.

This girl is new here and asked if she wanted me to be her roommate, she's also from the same grade.

I went back to Charlie his room and started packing my stuff, my new roommate, Ella, came to help me.

I was just about to leave with my last bag when Charlie stopped me,

I didn't say a word and turned around to face him, he was coming for a hug, I took a step backwards, looked at him, turned around and walked away.

Everyone from our friend group asked us what's going on between and why we don't just make up and get back together.

After getting to hear that for so long, I stopped meeting up with them and having parties or go to parties with them.

I would stay in my dorm and watch movies or just study, Ella was most of the time with me, we would study together.

A couple of weeks later,
I wasn't well for some time and went to the doctor to go and check what's wrong with me, I had to visit the campus doctor or else if I would some time off, I wouldn't be able to get it.

At my surprise, I found out that I am pregnant, I didn't know what to do because Charlie told me that he doesn't really wants to have any children, especially now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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