⁰¹⁵ Hatters Depart

Start from the beginning


Koichi brought his hand up and bit his thumb nail as Arisu started talking again. "Look, all I want is some answers." He admitted. "Who's behind these sick games and...who killed my friends, Karube and Chota."

"I thought I'd be able to survive and go back to the world the way it used to be. But if that's not possible, I want Usagi to return at the very least. She's the only reason I'm alive."

His words sounded quite sincere and Koichi concluded the pair had created quite the bond if Arisu admits that. He couldn't say himself if many people would put others first, not even himself but it would have to depend on the situation.

"How touching." Chishiya responded and strolled towards the edge of the building. "This wish of yours... sure is nice, but not very practical, I'll tell you."

"Way to crush his dreams." Koichi smiled and Kuina walked to his side. "You'd have to win every single game coming up and become the next Number 1."

"Impossible." The brunette added.

Arisu sighed and Koichi noticed a slight annoyance in his features. "Look, it's not about you guys, all right?"

"We think you both have potential." Chishiya spoke quickly after Arisu who looked at the blonde.


"That's why we're here right now."

"What do you mean?" Arisu asked, taking a glance at Koichi then back at Chishiya who had a smirk on his face. "What would you say if I told you, things could play out differently?"

The cars revved loudly as the men and women cheered and ran in front of the car and clapped. Hatter sat on the back and screamed back at them. "Let's go!" He yelled, hugging a few girls and sitting on the back with his glasses on.

"They've got a lot of guns." Usagi told Arisu as they walked down a hallway in the hotel. "Their arsenal is in the deepest room in the annex. And they have patrols too."

"As long as they have all those weapons, Hatter will be in control of everything" she sighed but then noticed Arisu stopped walking making her stop as well confused.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

Arisu didn't say anything and went to the window to look out, seeing the crowd waving off Hatter and his group.

"Hatter's making sure he keeps control of the militant corps, but it's only a matter of time before they retaliate.—" Chishiya said.

Niragi watched the commotion away from the crowd and leaned on the pole dramatically.

"—And if that happens, this place will be run by a bunch of brainless idiots with guns."

"Then it's cut and run."

It became tense between the four as Arisu became sceptical of Chishiyas words. "What are you planning?"

Koichi walked a bit closer to Kuina as the pair listened to Chishiya now tell Arisu his plan. "I'm planning to steal all the playing cards..bail off the Beach."

In all honesty,  Koichi could definitely see Chishiya being in a dramatic camera panel at that moment.


"A pseudo-utopia built on one guys charisma." Arisu said. "But then again, maybe we're the only ones who think that way."

Arisu stared carefully out the window while he talked to Usagi then turned around. "There is no utopia in this world." He declared.

"Usagi, we need to talk."

Koichi stood a bit away from the crowd with Chishiya by his side as they witnessed Hatter leave the Beach in hopes to restore his visa days. He didn't want to overthink it but, Hatter leaving the beach didn't feel like it was going to end well. Especially since he's not taking the militant corps with him.

Even though he finds them cocky, they would be able to protect him. Koichi knew the Beach needed Hatter as it's leader, without one, everyone might as well say goodbye to the peace.

Keeping his thoughts to himself, the pair basked in silence as the night would soon roll over and Koichi hoped nothing bad would happen while Hatter was gone.

But who was he kidding?

This was the Borderlands.

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