Koichi found it ironic that she says that seeing them directly walk towards where they sat. "How the bloody hell do I get them to stop messing with me then?" Koichi complained and clasped his hands together and leaned his elbows on his knees.

"General Aguni is an ex-special Forces officer. He controls all of the weapons at the beach." Kuina explained to Arisu who listened. "The person who commands the beach right now is the number one Hatter and his lackeys. As well as the militants led by Aguni."

"Right now, law and order at the Beach is very fragile. Both these groups may clash at any time if no one is careful." Right as she finished, Aguni slowly came to a stop as his eyes were glued to Arisu.

Arisu broke eye contact and stared at the floor as Aguni began speaking. "Where's your friend?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense as Arisu slowly looked back up with a silent unreadable stare. Aguni must've figured it out instantly from the silence and gave a small smirk.

"Oh, yeah? He's dead? Too bad."

Koichi looked between Arisu and Aguni guessing that this friend had gained the attention of Aguni but he died before he could come to the beach.

"Yet someone like you still lives."

"You two know each other?" Kuina asked quietly and Agunis attention turned to Usagi.

"Hey. Bring the woman." He told Niragi who smirked and began walking forward. "You got it."

Arisu instantly realised what was about to happen and stood up. Just as Niragi grabbed Usagi' arm, Arisu stopped him.

"You crazy don't get involved." Kuina slapped Arisu's arm. Niragi let go and stared at Arisu.

"My boss says to bring you to him. Get up." Going back to grabbing Usagi but was stopped by Arisu once again. Koichi became alert and was pondering whether or not to help Arisu but the gun in Niragi's hand made him hesitate.

Although to be fair he did have something in his pocket as well so he wasn't as worried.

"Are you a tough guy? What should I do with him?" Niragi asked, turning to Aguni who spoke bluntly.

"Break both his legs so he dies in the next game."

"Got it!" Niragi smirks and grabs Arisu's arm then turns to his group. "Grab the woman." But before the group could, Arisu freed himself and went back in front of Usagi.

Niragi stopped and went back to Arisu but before he could do anything, Hatter walked throughout the crowd towards them. "Is there a problem?"

He emerged from the crowd who seperate d to let the man through. Niragi obviously seemed annoyed while Aguni spoke back to him. "Back off, Hatter. This is none of your business."

"But this business is mine." He replied. "I am the Beach's leader. What I say is the law here." Hatter walked towards Aguni slowly. "And what I say is that you will keep your hands off the newcomers."

Hatter turned his head to Niragi. "Niragi."

The male clicked his tongue and scoffed, looking away from the leader. "The only boss I have is the general."

Hatter then directed his words to Aguni who wasn't looking at Hatter. "Then I will ask the general."

Koichi was practically sitting there with popcorn and a drink listening to this drama.

"Who do you think is your boss, then, Aguni?" He spoke slowly to the general and the male took a while before facing the leader and answering. "I know it is you."

It was tense as everyone watched the two waiting for something to happen but Hatter told the man to just shower once in a while and then stepped back. "Executive members! Meeting in the conference room."

Niragi rolled his eyes and started walking away, including Aguni and the militants. "Arisu. You too." Hatter said, making the man look at him.

"Ann told me you have potential. Come with us."

Arisu stood there a bit before looking down at Usagi, "I better go." Walking away following the Hatter, Usagi instantly gets up and takes a few steps after him but stops.

Koichi blew out air awkwardly and stood up with Kuina when Chishiya suddenly walked next to them.

"So? How was he? Is he good?" He asked Kuina and Koichi caught on taht the two must've been in a game together alongside Ann.

"He was great." She replied with a longing look.

"I really wished someone was pushed into the pool, never knew how tense it was between the executive." Koichi threw popcorn into his mouth, disappointed, although it's best if nothing happens for the safety of everyone else.

Everyone meaning him, Chishiya and Kuina. He doesn't really know anyone else.

"You have no idea." Chishiya responded to Koichi's words. Just as Koichi was about to sit back down, Niragi came storming back making everyone watch him and pause.

"Koichi! Get your ass inside!" He yelled and Koichi looked at him with a shit ton of confusion. "What did I do?" He called back and Niragi just put his gun in his hands forcing Koichi to groan and stand up and follow him with Chishiya trailing behind.

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