"Tagger's on the move." Koichi read aloud quietly and was about to pocket his phone until fanfare music blasted through the building making him look up.

Chichiya held his phone and crossed his arms whilst a smirk was plastered on his lips. Koichi slightly leaned forward so his body was 90 degrees and stuck his ass out.

"You think we'll be caught?" He asked unsurely.

Chichiya just smiled, "I doubt it."

Silence overlapped the area as all the players stood still awaiting to see who was 'it'. The elevator moved up the building and stopped at level six as it opened slowly and someone stepped out.

Usagi who was the women Koichi saw before with the bob cut stood directly around the corner and listened to the approaching footsteps that were drawing closer. She exhaled shakily, soon the footsteps were right around the corner and she quickly ran before jumping over the edge just before she could be spotted.

Koichi waited as the cold air blew his hair gently and he tucked his face in his arms to get rid of the cold.

It wasn't that the silence bothered him it was the fact he could possibly die as the tagger was likely armed and shoot them from afar if they had a gun. Even if Chishiya reassured him, dying wasn't on his bucket list any time soon.

Hopefully if they just stayed there, they'd be fine.

Gunshots suddenly waved over the silence and Koichi paused and waited to see something but soon he heard more gunshots but couldn't see anything. Leaning slightly to look over, Koichi spotted two guys run and tuck themselves in an alcove as another figure came into his view.

Koichi slightly moved back as Chishiya stayed still and both watched the figure slowly move to go down the stairs and the two boys remained hidden.

He watched as more people got brutally killed and two girls poorly tried to run and scream but they ended up getting shot too. Koichi felt a little bad he wasn't helping but he just felt a little safer standing besides Chishiya on the top level.

The sight of blood splattered the walls as the tagger began moving again. Koichi suddenly heard a male screaming.

"He's here! Over here, he's on the second level!" The man screamed, "He can't see properly because of his mask! Tell us where he is if you see him, and let's all look for the symbol!"

Koichi blinked with confusion. "It's a good idea but..nobody wants to help." Chishiya commented with a smirk and Koichi just stared at him before turning back around.

"He's in the fourth-level hallway in the central building! Anyone there should get out!" A female yelled and Koichi laughed in disbelief.

"Wow, someone actually helped." Giving Chishiya a half-smile while the blonde looked shocked that someone did indeed help.

Usagi ran frantically and came across the old women who was deeply confused and tried to yell for her to get out. She soon apologised and jumped up and started climbing the pole leaving the old women to get killed by the tagger.

"Oh, ho. A climber?" Chishiya said as they watched the women climb to the second level just avoiding getting shot by the ..horse? Koichi nearly laughed at the horse head not believing that's the mask they really chose.

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