⁰⁰⁸ A New Game

Start from the beginning

Koichi held the overhead handle as he spread his knees as the foot room was terrible and meant poor Chishiya was slightly squashed. The blonde sighed and shoved his hands in his jumper's pockets and stared ahead while Koichi looked out the window.

Soon enough the car parked and the driver who's name was Aguni hopped out followed by two other guys and lastly he and Chishiya got out. They walked a bit together and found where the game was as Koichi looked up.

"Toei Sendagaya apartment." He spoke quietly and his eyes scanned the apartment complex.


The pair went up the steps and towards the entrance where Koichi spotted the table with the phones on them. Grabbing one sluggishly, it scanned his face and he glanced around. There were only two girls there and a man in a suit currently so he wondered how many more people would show up.

Aguni and whoever the other guys names were weren't here yet and Koichi guessed they were fucking around before they would come. He went over to where Chishiya was and saw he plugged in something in the outlet right by their feet.

"What's with the taser?"

Chishiya thought for a moment and turned to Koichi, "Nothing wrong with being prepared." And then grabbed headphones and put one in his right ear before hesitating and offering the left one to Koichi.

The brunette looked at it before gently grabbing it and putting it in his ear.

Due to them both listening to the music, and Chishiya was leaning against the wall it forced Koichi to stand right next to him and slightly lean down. Yet this position soon became uncomfortable for Koichi so without thinking at all, he went behind the blonde and wrapped his arms around Chishiyas shoulders, leaning his chin on his right shoulder.

He could feel Chishiya tense but soon his body relaxed and Koichi smiled and closed his eyes, slightly shoving his face in Chishiyas neck so the tension of the earphones wasn't as bad.

Chishiya stood as still as he could, not really expecting Koichi to do that but not wanting to disturb the male, he kept his stare on the ground. The pair remained silent as they waited for more people to turn up and after literally two seconds, 9 people stood in the room.

Koichi opened his eyes slightly and breathed slowly, looking at the people who were here.

The same two girls were and he saw an old lady, a man with a hat, another man with a hat who had a cocky smirk on, a dude with a headband who was from the Beach, and another old man.

He hummed and tilted  his head to see a woman with a short bob cut approach with a neutral expression as she looked around. Soon she walked back and a dude asked her a question but before she could answer, two guys walked up and all Koichi heard was, "Maybe one of them is a doctor."


Koichi tightened his arms and scrunched his eyebrows trying to figure out why that word sounded so familiar to him. It definitely did, like a past memory that he couldn't recall that involved a doctor of some sort.

He groaned quietly and shut his eyes, gaining the attention of Chishiya who's eyes looked to his right slightly. "You alright?" He murmured and Koichi just gave him a slight nod.

"My head hurts and we haven't even begun the game. Fuck sakes.." grumbling the last part and Chishiya's lip quirked a bit before it fell once their phones dinged.

Koichi looked up and reached to pull out his phone so both of them could see.

Registration has closed.

There are a total of 14 participants. The game will now commence.

Koichi stood up and took the earbud out and handed it to Chishiya who pocketed them and the small radio he had.

Difficulty. Five of Spades.

The bob cut lady started stretching and Koichi watched her with interest until his attention was turned back to Chishiya who looked annoyed with the information.

"Physical, right?" He questioned and all Chishiya did was nod. Koichi let out a small chuckle knowing the blonde wasn't all enthusiastic about physical games.

Their phones dinged once more and the boys looked at the screen.

Game is "Tag".


Avoid whoever is "it"

People started conversing with each other as Koichi hummed in thought. If tag was the game that meant they probably had some sort of task to do around the building whilst being chased, unless you hid of course.

Although due to this world being absolutely nuts, being caught probably didn't just mean you had to sit out. He was interested to see how it would pan out.

If you stared at Koichi it would look like a fire sat behind him and burned sinisterly. He couldn't wait for the game to begin.

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