"If Auntie Barbara tells you to do something, you do it, right? Even if you don't really want to do it...Auntie Amelia?" I pointed out, just about remembering to mind my manners, trying not to show how angry she was making me.

"Yeah...I get that...but I'd make it unpleasant for everyone...when I saw you in that stroller earlier, in your skirt, wearing that stupid hat, all red-eyed and sucking on your dummy like a good little baby...well, no way would I ever be like that?" She insisted, and she was probably right, in a way. Amelia was quite tall, much taller than me. She had her first period when she was ten, and her figure was quite developed, if you know what I mean, so she did not look like a child anymore. When she bothered with proper makeup and got dressed up, she could easily pass for seventeen or eighteen, and she had always been sensible and responsible. But she had a temper like most teenagers, and when she fell out with her parents, everyone knew all about it, because there were slamming doors and full-on screaming matches that mummy and I could hear through our party walls. In comparison, I was still very much a small boy. I would not be fourteen until the end of August, when Amelia would be almost fifteen, and no one was going to need to buy me a razor for my birthday. And mum and I did not really argue. She got cross with me sometimes, but I always retaliated with the silent treatment, and just carried on doing whatever I was doing to annoy her behind her back, if possible. If she pinned me down, and gave me a good telling off, I usually just surrendered, I suppose. It had been like that when she took me up to the College, and it had been like that when she made me use my nappy at East Croydon station, really. "So...what are the other boys at this College like? Have you made any decent friends?"

"Most of my year have been there since they were eleven, Auntie Amelia...so they are sort of used to being petticoated, I suppose." I replied thoughtfully. "Some of them even like it now I think, although they would never admit it...they are like proper sissies? But I have one mate who is pretty decent...Chris Baker...he is in his third year, and he does all this stuff when he is at home, because his parents make him...but he helped me a lot...like showed me the ropes and helped me get through it?"

"Your mum says you are staying there until the end of year eleven, you know that, right?"

"She told me that today, Auntie Amelia."

"Oh, and she also says I can babysit you, if she goes out...she thinks I am a bit young, but as mum and dad will only be next-door, she says it will be okay...you'll like that, right?"

"It won't matter if I like it or not, Auntie Amelia."

"No, I don't suppose it will...come on, sounds like tea is ready...hold my hand like a good little boy, Sebastian?" She said, as mum called out to us, holding out her hand, and I took it of course, so that she could lead me to the table. Mum tied a bib around my neck, to protect my dress from any careless spillage, and she put my apple juice in a sippy cup as well, for the same reason.

"I've cut your chicken up to make it easier for you, Sebastian...and remember, you clear your plate, just like you have to at school...petticoated boys do not get likes or dislikes and we will spoon feed you, if we have any nonsense?"

"Yes, Mummy...thank you, Mummy." I whispered, unable to argue.

"I think someone needs an early night...his emotions are all over the place?" Auntie Barbara suggested, smiling kindly at me. I knew her so well, because I had been in and out of her house all my life. And she knew me. "Getting upset like that...several times in one day...it is pretty exhausting?"

"Yes...it has been quite a day for him, and he hasn't even seen his new room yet...so, I am sticking to the College bedtime for year nine...we might keep him up a bit later occasionally over the holidays, but I want to keep him in some sort of routine." Mum said casually. "It will make it easier for him to go back in January."

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