A night to remember (good ending)

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Y/n pov:

I started to wake up with my head felt like it was going to explode and my back  hurt like a bitch  I opened my eyes trying to stand only to find my legs arms tied to a chair looking around the room it has a small bed in the middle of the room and a tiny nightstand on the left side of it with a lamp and what seemed to be a radio  looking at the door I was face it was eight feet away and had what I think were around six locks but all of them were I think on the outside of the door to the right of me was a small book case with my pocket knife sitting on   it I was about three feet away from it and it was all the top self but it was half way off of the self I scooted closer to the self I was right under the pocket knife I couldn't really get it down but I can't give up I already made some noise so there's no going back lucky I was able to move my head grabbing a book with my mouth I tossed it up hitting the pocket knife and it guess I hit it just right it came down on my lap but the book fell on the floor making a loud thud I quickly scooted back to around the same spot I tried to grab the knife with my mouth but I put to much weight forward  and the chair fell forward lucky I was short enough that I was able to get my head back but I was stuck sadly my knees hit the ground and are hurting a lot the pocket is right by them I heard footsteps coming close to the room I then heard locks clicking then I heard the door close "I'm going to die before I've had my first dance."  I heard a chuckle then the chair being lifted I looked up at the person and "Tate." I then remembered what Milo said "He's here RUN. "   "Wait where's Milo?what did you do with him."  "Oh that little pain I left him at that house of yours." he then pushed the chair back "Well Sha it's been about three days since ya eaten and I don't need ya dying on me."  I wasn't sure what to do he keep me alive and being rude to him will most likely kill me so being nice is the best option  "Good idea I guess it's for the best." I said my voice shaking a little   from being nervous "Haha no need to be scared Sha I won't hurt if ya listen to me."  "Of course I understand."   "Alrighty then why don't we get those ropes off ya."  he walked over to the book self  but he looked confused he then looked over to the book I tossed and then grabbed it then looked at me his eyes trailed down to the pocket knife "Huh would ya look at that your a smart one." he said winking at me I felt heat go to my face  and ears I looked away I heard his footsteps come to towards me I looked back at him he was picking up the pocket knife he then opened one of the knifes then he cut both of the ropes on my legs then my arms I grabbed my wrist they had marks on them I rubbed them a little I looked a tate he was frowning "Sorry Sha didn't mean to hurt ya."  "It's fine I think  it'll go away with a day or two."  I then stood up then stretched a little Tate then walk towards the door opening it for me I walked out the door turning around waiting for Tate to come out as he did he closed the door he then walked down the hallway looking around it seemed like we were in a small cabin I then walked up behind him, he stopped all of the sudden I popped my head around him It was a small kitchen with a small island with a table in the dining room right across from it I walked over to the small table taking a seat tate looked a me and smiled I then looked around some more while Tate walked in the kitchen to cook to my left there was a tiny living room a very small couch that could only hold three people   a chair and  a tv  behind me was a sliding glass door but it had a piece of wood screwed into the side with a padlock attached to it and the door handle I got up from where I was sitting and walk to the living room I saw a small remote grabbing it I then turned on the tv I then started flipping through channels until I found some of the music ones and stopped at one of them I turned it up a little then I walked back to the table sitting back down I then saw Tate coming around to the table with two plates I couldn't tell what is was I watched as he sat it down in front of me "what is it."  "Haha it is deer there very common in this area and it's  hunting season." 

                                                                                 time skip

during dinner me and Tate got to know each other a lot better then before we were talking when he said "This is a good song why don't dance together Sha ."  he stood up and put his hand out I looked at it for a second "I-I uh I don't how to dance I never had with anyone."  he chuckled a little "It's okay Sha I'll teach ya." he then grabbed my hand pulling over towards him keeping my hand in his and his other going to my hip I then put my hand on his shoulder and rested my head on his chest honestly I do not remember how many songs pasted but we danced for a long time until I brought my face up to his and placing a kiss on his lips when I pulled away I looked him in the eyes and whispered "don't make me regret this." he kissed me again and placed his forehead on mine and said "I won't my Sha I won't." 



well ending 1/3 is done I think this is my favorite chapter I've made so far I hope you guys enjoy this ending the others will be  a bad ending for my angst  lovers and a twist one so keep an eye out for them        


tate frost x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora