"That's because Jennie bought coffees and cupcakes for everyone. That reminds me you haven't got one. Jennie! Jen-"

"No no. I don't want it," Chaeyoung desperately tries to stop Lisa .

"What do you mean. Even if you don't like her it's still free food. Jennie! Over here," Lisa successfully gained the said girl's attention.

Chaeyoung winces looking down at her table and can sense the brunette haired-girl approaching her desk. Starting her day like this, she guesses today won't be her lucky day.

"What is it Lisa?" A soft voice asks.

"Chaeyoung hasn't received her coffee and cupcakes, that's all," Lisa Informed.

Chaeyoung looks up at the wrong time, making eye contact with Jennie. The girl before her is beautiful indeed however Chaeyoung hold a huge grudge against her.

She thought Jennie will definitely disagree or make an excuse since she knows the latter also doesn't like her but a miracle happened in front of her eyes as Jennie nodded and went back to her table and comes back with a cup of coffee and some blueberry cupcakes.

"Here you go Chaeyoung," Jennie says with a smile.

Chaeyoung furrowed her brows and didn't say a single word back; just processing what the hell just happened.

She can understand the part where Jennie got her the coffee and cupcakes because Lisa was the one asking for her but Jennie Kim was smiling at her, and it wasn't the mocking or fake smile, but a real smile. Chaeyoung felt like she entered a parallel universe where things happen in the opposite way.

With no response from Chaeyoung, Jennie puts on a bigger smile and asks, "Aren't you gonna eat it?"

It was then that the former confirm she is still living in the same world as she catch the small twitch on Jennie's lips.

She lets out a fake cough and leans back on her chair.

"Maybe later, I already ate," she said as nonchalantly as possible.

"Oh here we go again," Lisa sighs softly and rolls away from them. Already expecting the bickering that's gonna follow.

"It will get cold by that time. I'm sure you can squeeze in the coffee and cupcakes, it's not even that much," Jennie insist.

"Maybe you like over eating yourself but I'm a person who knows my limits. That coffee and cupcakes will only make me feel nauseous if I eat it now," Chaeyoung says back.

Jennie turns the other way and Chaeyoung hears the huge exhales that comes after. She knows it's the older habit by now, she does it whenever she gets frustrated when she and Chaeyoung can't come to terms together.

Chaeyoung thought Jennie would mutter something under her breath and leave like she always does but to her surprise for the second time in one day, Jennie turns back to her with a smile still plaster on her face.

"Okay then, if you can't have it now then I'll treat you to something else. Tell me when and what you wanna eat," she said nicely.

Chaeyoung feels goosebumps all over her arms. This Jennie is way scarier than the one she use to know.

"Well I won't keep you from working. Let's catch up later, have a nice day," Jennie said smiling and went back to her own station.

"What the fuck just happened?"

She wasn't expecting an answer and nearly jumped when Lisa's voice suddenly came from beside her.

"Jennie must really want that promotion, she didn't even sass back at you."