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My eyes hurt when I open them. The bright sun is shining through the bars. A police officer walks by 'everyone get dressed, you will be ready in five minutes to go outside' the police officer said. Im always dressed up first so they always let me out first.

The air is feeling lovely today, it's the perfect weather. Not ridiculously warm but also not cold.
While i'm enjoying the fresh air I see Igar walking towards me. "Hey Aria" he says "a very good morning" I say in a fancy british accent. "Oh yes remind me of how fancy we live here. I mean we litteraly have guards watching over us." He says. "Well how nice is that" I say.
We walked to our bench in the corner. Its actually annoying because all the benches are always taken except for that one. Because that bench is right next to the barbed wire fence. But now its kind of our spot. Its actually funny because Igar always gets stuck in the fence. His face after he realizes he's stuck in the fence never gets old. Its just hilarious. Also lt me tell you a little about Igar. He had brown hair with blue eyes and he's extremely tall, and I love tall. He's also kind of a dork. The reason he got into prison is because he accidentally Pushed an old woman of the stairs that were 23 feet tall. And yes, she did. Like I told you, he's a dork. But I kind of have a small crush on him, but he can't know.
We both took a moment to enjoy the air we get to feel only 30 minutes a day. "Okay its getting boring. Tell me a nice juicy story about you that I don't know yet." He says. "I literally have no story's left to tell you. I already told you everything. Its your turn to tell me a nice juicy story." I say. "Fine let me think of something." Its funny, everytime he thinks he always looks up. "Okay I got a story." He says with a smirk. "Nope, no no no. You are not telling me another sex story." I say. "No I promise its not that. "Okay tell me then. "Okay so, I had this friend named Andre. He was a serious dealer. He gets his product from the Netherlands because weed is legal there. Do not get mad but, I helped him." I was about to say something but he quickly interupted me. "Yes I know its bad, but I made serious money with it. I had no job and that was my only way to pay of my debt okay. Anyway, the dealing went great until he got caught by the cops and I just ran away and the cops didn't know i was dealing too. "Oh my god you idiot." I say disapointed. "So? Is Andre in jail now?" I ask him. "Well he was but not anymore." He says quietly. "Im just afraid that if I get out of here he will kill me for what I did. "Well I don't think he's going to kill you but he will beat the shit out of you. "Yeah probably." He says with a sigh. "You know its actually kind of funny." I say. "You got away with it but now your still in jail. It feels like karma. "Yeah your right, its my rightfully deserved karma." He says.
After a few minutes a police officer told us to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Today their serving one slice of brown bread, a banana, and a small cup of tomato soup. When Igar and I got our food we walked fast to our table in the right corner of the cafeteria. Probably no one knows it but in this corner is great ventilation. I tear my bread into two pieces. One have to dip in the soup and the other half to eat with banana slices on it. While eating we are talking about how weird some peoples tattoos are. I mean why would you want a tattoo of a slice of pork on your arm. When I look to the left I see a guy put the meatballs from the soup in his pocket. "Ew that's disgusting." I say while pointing at the guy. "Ew why would you even do that." Igar says in disgust. "He hopefully has a good reason because otherwise he belongs in a solitary institution." I say. "Why do you always say that people belong in a solitary institution. Maybe you belong there." He says. "Haha very funny.
When I got back to my cel, I layed down on the bed and I started to think about my mom.
She always comes and visit me on Mondays. On Mondays she's usually done with work around 3PM. I wonder if she makes it alone at home without me. She always says that everything is fine but I don't think she's telling the truth. After dad died she was having a hard time.
She couldn't work, sleep and eat. The first two weeks she had trouble by just walking. She cried every five minutes
because she couldn't stop thinking about him, obviously. He died a day before I got to prison. I remember coming home from an awesome party with my friends, but after I heard what my mom said, that night became a nightmare. I remembered when she was lying on the floor crying so extremely loud. I runned to her and I fell down next to her trying to calm her down and asking her whats wrong. She couldn't say a thing, she was crying too hard to talk.
After seven minutes of calming her down she said it. "Its your dad, he, he." She couldn't say it and started to cry even louder. I tried to calm her down again, and then she said it. "Your father got shot right next to his heart. He did not survive the bullet." After she said that I was frozen for a solid five seconds and then I realized my dad was gone. I started to cry so loud together with my mom. We lied down there crying all day. The next day, the bell rang and my mom opened the door. There were two police officers and a police car. They saw my mom with the bloodshot eyes. The police officers stormed in and arrested me. They handcuffed me and said. "We're arresting you for murder, you have the right to remain silence, everything you say can and will be used against you. You have the right to attain legal counsel, if you can't affort legal counsel the court will appoint someone to you.
I was shokked to see what was happening. Murder? Me? My mom was shokked to see what happened. And then I said it. "Murder I didn't do anything, who did I murder. You tell us." The police officer said. I was so confused, I just folowed the officer's instructions in the hope I would look innocent. But now when I think about it, it sounds stupid.
So this is the reason why i'm in jail, because apparently I killed my own father.
The police officers also had proof that I did it. They saw me walking past the camera's with a gun in my hand where the crime scene was, two minutes before he got murdered. Which is impossible because I never held a gun before in my life, and why would I kill my own father.
But now im here innocent and in prison for murder.
The first time my mom visited me was two weeks after I was arrested. When I saw her for the first time I started to cry because I missed her and my dad so much. I couldn't hug her because there was a glass plate between us and we had to talk through the phones. Her face already told me enough she believed me she knew I was innocent. She asked me if I maybe knew what happened but I obviously didn't know. I was still confused.

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