Chapter 2: New Years

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The dream became real and I started to date Sebastian but it turned into something else...

After a while in July, Sebastian and I have been dating. It was a healthy relationship until we began to fight more. After all the fights we had we wouldn't forgive each other but there was on fight that changed everything. It was on November, 30. I thought he was cheating on me with his bestfriend and he was really upset that I had said that I mean anyone would but he was always suspicious. After that we stopped talking a little bit, then came december. K remember that I was december, 9. He said to me that he wanted to break up with me. I obviously pretended like I didn't care but deep down I did.
I was crying in my room all week, sobbing and bawling into my pillow. It was really silly because I would pretend the pillow was him and I would cuddle the pillow.

3 weeks later...

After the fight with him I didn't want to go with him on his trip, so I went with Oliver to Colombia.

"I have to say y/n, he was dumb for just giving up on you." Oliver said.
"Are you serious!?" I said to him. He just gave me a 'What?' Look.
"He didn't want to be with me anyways, did you see his story on snapchat."
"I bet she's just a friend tho." Oliver said.
"I doubt that, I mean if he was so heartbroken he wouldn't have broken up with me." "Also take another girl to go with him. Especially the girl that I accused he cheated me on!" I said really annoyed. Oliver sighed at me and walked out of the room, I was so pissed off and my eyes became really teary and red. I was about to cry when my phone went off. It was news about Sebastian, ofc when I didn't want to talk about him he's all over my phone 😒.


He was seen with a new mysterious woman who is not y/n, it is true that y/n and sebastian have broken up but he seemed to get over it real quick.
Is Sebastian and this mystery woman really dating???


I seen pictures of him and his girl bestfriend and they were holding hands together. I couldn't handle it seeing him with someone else so I threw my phone in rage. I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the hotel. I didn't tell Oliver I went out. It was about 6 p.m. and I went and rented two bikes.

I knocked on the door.
"Y/n?" Oliver said confused. "What are you doing outside I thought you were in your room."
"Well I rented out two bikes and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a bike ride with me, plzzz?" I said with begging eyes. "Fine I guess I will go bike riding with you" He finally said. "Yay" I said smiling at him.

We went outside where the two bikes were and got on them. We started to ride to the beach and I of course took some pictures.
We both seen a nice restaurant on the way and went inside. It was really beautiful and simple but good simple.
I took pictures of Oliver and put it on my story.


Caught this man staring👀😳 @OliverMoy

Comments:@AznGami: Dang man, what you staring at😨

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@AznGami: Dang man, what you staring at😨.
@Darrbear: Nah man I knew he was a pick me boy.
@OliverMoy replied to @Darrbear
:Stfu Darren.

I laughed at the comment Darren put. I looked over to Oliver and he was pissed off about the comment. "He called you a pick me boy" I mocked. "Oh shut up" He said as he chuckled at me.

It was New Years Eve and almost New Years, I was looking at Sebastians story to see what he put. I kept looking over and over again, then Oliver caught me.
"Seriously y/n?" Oliver said looking at me.
"W-What I did nothing." I said
"Come on we are here to enjoy the food and the New Year coming up." He said.
"I guess your right." I sighed and put my phone away.

When New Years hit I kept on getting thousands of notifications and I decided to go and just check on it. Bad idea.

I looked at the notifications and I was stunned. It was Sebastian kissing that girl. Water started to go down my face and I ran out of the party and back to the apartments. I was running with my eyes closed and stopped at a park with a bench and stopped to sit down. I started to cry and then sobbing on my hand. I was trembling from all the sobbing and next thing I know it turned black...

The Next Morning.
I woke up and realized I was in my bed. Thats weird I thought I slept at that bench? I yawned and got out of bed. In a week I'm going to be back at the NSB house, I sighed. I don't want to go back, I'm scared to but I have go.

A Week or so Later.
It's been a week and a couple of days and Oliver and I just got back from Colombia only two days ago.
After a couple of days later everyone was back and ready to be NSB again.

I heard that we were going to do a video with kio(he doesn't have a gf in this story) and I was really excited that I went his house a couple days earlier.

I ranged the door bell of his house and I was smiling so big you can see it. A person opened the door and it was KIO!!!
"Ahhhh" I screamed at him to scare him. "Hel- WHAT!!" He said and flinched. I giggled at his dumb reaction. "God y/n don't do that ever again, your ugly face scared me" he said and made a disgusting face at me. "HEY that's not nice at all" I tell him and pout. He put his hand on my head and patted it and said "don't be a big baby". "I'm not I promised" I said and smiled at him.

After a while of hanging out I had to leave since Manager Ty called me to go home.

"So y/n I need you to make a song about your life since the fans want you to sing." Manager Ty said to me. "WAIT REALLY" I said really loud. "Yeah but don't scream to loud. Go to Oliver's room and the equipment is there." He said to me. I quickly went to Oliver's room and started to write the lyrics for the song which was about Sebastian. Yeah yeah you can say I still love him because I do. The song only took me 35 minutes to make and it was perfect.

The name was called 'The Way I Loved You'(by Taylor Swift:)))by y/n.

After a week I finished the song. I ran to Manager Ty and told him I was finished and he was surprised and happy about it. He decided to tell everyone and wants me to perform infront of them, infront of Sebastian, THE ONE I WROTE THE SONG ABOUT!!! Calm down y/n you can do this.

'He is sensible and so incredibleAnd all my single friends are jealous
He says everything I need to hear, and it's like
I couldn't ask for anything better
He opens up my door and I get into his car
And he says, "You look beautiful tonight"
And I feel perfectly fine
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And it's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name
So in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you
Breaking down and coming undone
It's a roller coaster kind of rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you
He respects my space
And never makes me wait
And he calls exactly when he says he will
He's close to my mother
Talks business with my father
He's charming and endearing
And I'm comfortable
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And It's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name
You're so in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you
Breaking down and coming undone
It's a roller coaster kind of rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you
He can't see the smile I'm faking
And my heart's not breaking
'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all' I sanged a little more and after I was done they all looked at me with shock in their eyes. I looked Hella nervous and said "What do you guys think?"
"IT WAS AWESOME" they all said but sebastian, he knew he was the guy I was singing about...

The End

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