It's pretty busy in the canteen but I pull my headphones on, grab some food and choose a table by the window where I can be alone. I might be an extrovert, but that doesn't mean I can't get overstimulated on days like today. Behind the window is the enormous lake, shimmering in the low winter sun.

My skin prickles under the eyes of a hundred people. I force an easy smile and tuck in to my pasta.

"Oscar!" a voice penetrates my music as I chew. I sit up and take off my headphones, looking around for its source. A tall brunette lady walks towards me, around my age or a little bit older, carrying a clipboard and dazzling me with a smile.

"Hello," I say, although I have no idea who she is.

"Nice to meet you," she holds out her hand and I shake it. There's a slight accent in her voice, but I can't place it. "I'm Grace Trainer, the new media director for McLaren Formula One. We have media training together this afternoon."

"Grace Trainer, and your job is to train me?" I smirk.

"That's just today's job," she laughs. "Really, they should call me Grace Director."

After I finish my pasta, Grace leads me back though the labyrinth to the highest corridor in the building, where I met the directors. She seems focused and easy-going, and I'm just beginning to relax when I crash into Lando in the corridor.

"Oh," I say, stepping back and grimacing as he smooths his clothes. "Sorry."

"It's okay," Lando says tensely. We stare at each other for a moment before he clears his throat. "So... You're here. How are you... How are you finding things?"

I nod. "Great little place you have here."

Lando nods. "Yeah. Welcome to the MTC."

We pass each other and I resist the urge to look over my shoulder as we move apart. Why is my chest so tight? And what was that conversation?

"I hope you and Lando will have more chemistry on filming days," Grace chuckles. I give her a tense smile and ball my fists. I'm not sure how to achieve that.

She leads me into an office almost bigger than Zak Brown's. Tall antique bookcases stand behind a dark wooden desk and the front end of an old race car stands in the corner. How did she get allocated this place if she's a new hire? I sit down in a green leather armchair and look out over the artificial lake. This place is way cooler than Alpine's facility.

"So Oscar, I just wanted to get to know you a little better."

I smile, although I'm getting tired of the endless introductions today. "Everyone does."

"I'm the media manager, but this is my first season working for McLaren. I want to understand what types of media you'd most like to film and record this year."

I think back to my days in the lower formulas, answering quizzes and playing games against my old team mates. I especially remember Prema. We did all sorts of challenges there.

My face blanches as I look back up at Grace.

"Do I have to do media with Lando?"

Grace smiles, but something's wrong with it. Too tense. She sighs a shuddering sigh and sorts some papers on her desk.

"Let's leave the topic of media for a minute, okay?" she says. "Tell me what image you want to portray as a driver. What's your brand?"

"Um... Well I'm Australian. I like doing things with an Australian twist." I say the words but I don't really know what they mean. "And like any driver, I want to win the races and one day win the championship."

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