"So, Rowan, how do you like Ireland so far?" Marc asked me from the other end of the table.

"It's amazing. I can't wait to actually go see things." I felt like I sounded silly and the wine wasn't helping but I peered around and everyone was drinking the red drink.

"It is a beautiful country. Harry, take her around the grounds tonight, eh?" I heard one of the members of One Direction say. I was assuming it was the one from Ireland because of his accent. I knew his name but the wine was making my head cloud. I looked over at Harry who nodded towards his blonde band mate who smirked and gave him two thumbs up. I wasn't sure what he meant but I could easily guess. In a sober state, I would probably be angry with the sexual innuendo but right now I was full and happy and not sober.

"Is it just me or are you kind of drunk too?" I asked, leaning into Maddy. I took that as a yes from her as I saw her eyes were a bit red and her lips were stained a shade of purple from the intake. We both started cracking up after surveying the other. I placed my napkin on my plate and looked around to see that people were leaving the table now. I politely smiled to them as they got up and left. Before long, it was just Harry, me, Maddy and a few other people.

"How was your dinner, love?"

"It was amazing. I could eat all of that every day forever and be happy."

He started laughing as he pushed his plate away. "Want to see the grounds? It is quite breathtaking at night."

I nodded quickly as we said goodnight to the others. I asked Marsh to make sure Maddy got back to her room safely as Harry pulled me into the cool, Irish night. He was right, tt was incredible. I took in a deep breath as I saw the rows and rows of perfectly cut hedges now had little twinkling lights in them now. The enormous trees were also light up with lanterns and tiny lights were speckled in the ground under our feet. Harry slipped his hand into mine as we slowly walked deeper into the lit up grounds.

"The lads and I were out here the other night and we got so lost. It was fantastic though because we never get to just be normal like that much. Like this, right now with you. This is normal stuff. Taking a walk with the girl I love."

I looked over at Harry and smiled. "Yea, it is nice. It's so quiet too." That struck me odd actually. "Wait, where are all the screaming fans and paparazzi?" I asked, teasing Harry.

"Very funny, love. This castle actually has armed guards who patrol and will shoot trespassers."

I stopped and became aware of my surroundings. Was this a joke? I wasn't sure because who knew how other countries operated.

"Love, I am kidding. Come on, you are too gullible. They do have security but honestly the states have some of the worst paparazzi. I understand it is their job but sometimes it's a bit much. Other countries, it's not as bad."

I looked over at Harry and realized how incredible selfless he was. I always knew he would do anything for me but his heart was still so incredibly big for others. I honestly think that if a stranger came up to him and asked him for the shirt off his back, Harry would give it to them, no questions asked.

"You are kind of wonderful, you know that?" I could tell he was taken off guard by what I said when he looked at me in mild confusion. "Harry, you would do anything for anyone. You love your fans, you love your family, and you're so humble and treat everyone with respect no matter who they are. It's nice to know the person I love is like that which makes me so lucky."

"Don't get mushy on me now, love," he said, teasing me now as he pulled me into his arms.  I laughed into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. "But thank you for that. I like hearing you say those things."

I looked at him and smiled. He leaned into me and kissed me softly. I could taste the wine on his lips as he continued to kiss me. We broke apart as my attention was brought back to walking. A breeze washed over us and I shivered. Harry noticed and pulled me to turn back.

"Let's go back before it gets colder because what I want to do next doesn't involve any of our clothes."

My heart skipped a beat and my pulse quickened. I looked over at Harry and gave him a sly smile as we picked up the pace and the castle came back into view. We were just about to reach the huge door when we heard a rustle next to us from the bushes. We both directed our attention to the bush as Harry pulled me behind him. I instantly thought it was a bear or something but then wondered if they had bears in Ireland. Before I could think any longer, I heard screaming.

(What are your predictions for the next chapter?? If everyone comments and votes like crazy, I will do another update today :) xoxo)

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