Chapter 1: Arrival

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its character, only the plot of this story

Also, there may be some OOC-ness and some spelling/grammatical errors

1. "talking"

2. 'thinking'

3. author



Sakura looked up at the building in front of her, shock written all over her face. She was recently accepted to work in Konoha Hospital, one of the most world-renowned hospitals on the planet. And even as the youngest attending surgeon in history, achieving the title at only 21 years old, this was still a big deal to her.

How did she become an attending surgeon at 21, you may ask?

You see, Sakura Haruno was a genius. A prodigy, if you may. She was taken to a school for gifted children when she was very young, younger than all the kids there. In that school, she studied with the best of the best students and teachers, and she aspired to be a surgeon. She asked to take classes that would help her with her goal, and they accepted her request. She graduated med school at 16, she was a resident for 5 years, becoming an attending surgeon at 21. She was currently 22 years old, and already a legend in the medical world. Not Tsunade, Hashirama, and Tobirama Senju level legend, but her name was spoken.

Back to why she was so shocked. Since she lived hours away from Konoha, Sakura needed a new place to stay, with the ungodly hours that came with being a surgeon, what she didn't need was to wake up even earlier then she already did, so she looked into getting a new apartment, and she saw an ad on craigslist for two men her age looking for a roommate to split the bill three ways.

She saw how nice the apartment was, and she messaged the two of them to see if she could move in. Plus, the apartment was only 15 minutes away from the hospital on foot. She talked with the men, one of them seemed like a ball of sunshine, while the other was broodier, more mysterious. They had agreed to her being their roommate after a few months of decision making and consideration, and Sakura was ecstatic.

The three of them had a video call a few days ago, and good lord were they hot! Sakura wasn't the type of person to like someone purely because of their looks, but she was still a woman, and she still appreciates a pretty face.

They were like the sun and moon, the two of them. One had a chubbier, more boyish look to him, but you could still see the manlier features of his appearance, like broad shoulders and a sharp jawline. He had short messy blonde hair that looked fluffy and soft to the touch, a tad bit tan, cerulean eyes as deep as the ocean, a lean yet muscled build, and three scars on either side of his cheeks, looking almost like whiskers, yet instead of demolishing it, Sakura found that it just added to his sex-appeal. His name was Naruto Uzumaki.

The other one, Sasuke Uchiha, was Naruto's exact opposite. He's lean and muscular, like his blue-eyed counterpart, but where the two differ most in looks, are their face and hair. Sasuke has smooth pale skin with no blemishes, high cheekbones and slim face, with a sharp jawline to match. He has rich black eyes that are tinted red, the type you could get lost in if you stared too much, paired with long and thick black eyelashes. His hair was also black, short and messy yet somehow tame, with a few thick, soft strands falling at either side of his face, framing it beautifully.

Even if she tried to deny it, the thought of living with two incredibly handsome men excited her, but she didn't know that their house...

Was a literal penthouse.

She grew up in a lower mid-class family when she wasn't at school, she never dreamed that she would be living in a penthouse, in a nice area, at the top floor of a 14-floor building.

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