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mattheo's pov- 

The music is blaring behind me. The only thing i can focus is her lips on mine, her hands desperately tugging into my hair as the music grows louder and the sound of feet shuffling on the floor follows. My hands grip her waist, and she whimpers into the kiss. I pull away urgently, scared that i hurt her. 

"What, did i hurt you ?" She shakes her head, biting her bottom lip. She straightens my jacket , slowly pushing off the wall and forcing me to move off of her. 

"No, i just-" She smiles up at me, and i understand what she's saying. Without her even having to talk. I understand. Just then, there's a screech. 

"Ah ! Y/n !" I spin around and find Hermione running towards us. She grabs my girl by the arm and loops her own with hers. 

"Let's go get a drink, shall we ?" Y/n stammers, looking at her friend and then back at me. 

"Well, Hermione, i-" I shake my head, rolling my eyes. 

"Go. I'll be here. I'll survive.." I sigh, cupping her cheek and letting her lips fall on mine desperately again, just for a second. She pulls away, licking her lips. 

"Okay. I'll be right back, i promise." Hermione drags her away and then the apir bursts into a fit of giggles. I lean on the wall, trailing my fingers over my lips. 

I miss her already. 

Y/n's pov- 

Hermione walk to the drinks table, laughing. 

"Guess i caught you two in a very intimate moment, huh ?" I shake my head, chuckling. 

"Maybe." She shoves at my ribs, giggling. 

"You two are so cute." She says as we reach the  drinks table. I grab a cup and pour myself some punch. The teachers have left this late in the ball, and i think it's safe to say the punch was spiked because it smells like hand sanitiser. I take a sip and grimace, before smacking my lips and sighing. 

"How's it going with Ron ?" She blushes, tucking her hair behind her ear. She chuckles. 

"Surprisingly well, actually." I smile, nodding as i rest my lips on the edge of the cup. 

"Good, that's good." I tilt the cup back and take a sip, coughing immediately. I put it down and clutch my stomach, groaning. 

"Oh god. I knew it was bad and i still took another sip." My eyes drift to the side as Hermione giggles, and my eyes find Theo, sitting in the corner in his tux, sipping a beer. Hermione spins around and her face falls as she turns back around.

"Oh." She says, putting her cup down and clearing her throat. I gulp heavily. 

"I'll be right back." 

"Y/n, i don't think that's a good idea-" I shrug off Hermione as she tries to hold me back. I don't even know what is coursing through my veins right now. But before i can register what i'm doing, i'm sat next to him, watching him intently as he sips his beer, a weird feeling in my chest. I poke his shoulder, making him look over at me. I give him a small smile. 

"Hey, stranger." I say, his eyes finally meeting mine. His eyes rake my up and down, and fidget with my hands as they rest on my lap. 

"Hey.. you look nice." He replies, breathing out heavily as he watches the liquid pooling at the bottom of the bottle swish around. 

"Thank you.." I look around, trying to look for his date, but i find no one. "Did you come here alone?" I ask, frowning. He looks over at me, scoffing slightly. His lips purse and he nods slowly. 

"Pretty much. My date cancelled." His remark hits me with a pang to the chest. I stare at him, trying hard not to let my eyes tear up. I sigh heavily, looking down. I close my eyes momentarily. I was stupid to think he wouldn't care if i went with Mattheo. Theodore's my best-friend, i should've told him earlier. 

"I'm sorry, Theo." He shakes his head, taking  another swig of his beer, leaning back in his chair. 

"It's fine. Not like there was a chance anyway." He breathes out, resting the top of the bottle to his bottom lip. I shake my head. 

"That's not entirely true." He sighs, his eyes drifting over to meet mine. He chuckles, poking his inner cheek with his tongue as he run a hand over his face in exasperation. He lets his hand drop to his lap as he chuckles again, looking up. 

"It is. You ditched me to go with Mattheo." He says, shaking his head. I stare at him, ignoring the twist of the dagger he's lodged into my chest. 

"I- Mattheo just- He felt right." He sits up, resting his elbows on his knee caps as he leans forward to stare at me. I can see the bags under his eyes, the redness in his eyes indicating that he is far beyond the point of being sober enough for this conversation. He chuckles, shaking his head. 

"What does that even mean ? He's better than me ?" My face falls and i gulp heavily. 

"Theo, this wasn't a competition." He scoffs, leaning back in his seat, and i can finally breathe. 

"Clearly, cause he always gets it."  I frown, stammering. 

"Gets what ?" He looks at me, annoyed. 

"He always gets you. The party, the dance-" I stand up, my hands balled into fists. 

"Theodore, you had my childhood. Was that not enough ?" He looks down, drumming his thumbs on his half empty bottle. 

"I don't know." A scoffing chuckles leaves my lips. 

"You know, just because he's my present doesn't mean he's my future." He looks away, taking another sip of his beer. I sigh and crouch in front of him. 

"Nott, there's plenty of opportunities, ok ?" He shakes his head, getting up, grabbing his coat. 

"But clearly not very many for me." I get up and grab his hand as he goes to walk away. He turns to look at me, his eyes sad. My instincts kick in, and i reach up and loop my arms around him, holding him close. Instinctively, his hands fly around me, holding me close to his chest, his body falling into mine, hands pushing at the small of my back, his face buried in my shoulder. 

"It's gonna be okay.." I breathe out, gently stroking his hair as he grips me tighter. 

"You're my family ,Theo. I love you." 

"I love you too." I can see Hermione standing where i left her, Mattheo standing by her side. My body suddenly goes stiff, stuck in that position, arms looped around Theodore. Mattheo's eyes are wide. He's clearly heard all of it, and i watch as his cup falls from his hands in shock, shattering on the ground. Hermione jumps back, but Mattheo's eyes are glued on me, lips parted. He licks his lips and storms off. I try to free myself from Theodore to chase him but i can't. His grip is too tight. So i give in, letting him hug me, while Hermione stares at me with fear and concern in her eyes. 


𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕- 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕠 𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora